Michael Thrasher
Michael Thrasher
Professor of Politics, Plymouth University
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Ballot photographs as cues in low‐information elections
SA Banducci, JA Karp, M Thrasher, C Rallings
Political psychology 29 (6), 903-917, 2008
Local elections in Britain
C Rallings, M Thrasher
Routledge, 2013
Seasonal factors, voter fatigue and the costs of voting
C Rallings, M Thrasher, G Borisyuk
Electoral Studies 22 (1), 65-79, 2003
Not all ‘second-order’contests are the same: Turnout and party choice at the concurrent 2004 local and European parliament elections in England
C Rallings, M Thrasher
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 7 (4), 584-597, 2005
Media guide to the new parliamentary constituencies
C Rallings, M Thrasher
(No Title), 2007
British electoral facts 1832-2006
C Rallings, M Thrasher
Routledge, 2017
Comparing local electoral turnout in Great Britain and France: More similarities than differences?
V HOFFMANN‐MARTINOT, C Rallings, M Thrasher
European Journal of Political Research 30 (2), 241-257, 1996
Turnout in English local elections—an aggregate analysis with electoral and contextual data
C Rallings, M Thrasher
Electoral Studies 9 (2), 79-90, 1990
Ballot order positional effects in British local elections, 1973–2011
R Webber, C Rallings, G Borisyuk, M Thrasher
Parliamentary Affairs 67 (1), 119-136, 2014
British electoral facts, 1832-1999
F Craig, C Rallings, M Thrasher
Routledge, 2018
Candidate ethnic origins and voter preferences: Examining name discrimination in local elections in Britain
M Thrasher, G Borisyuk, C Rallings, R Webber
British Journal of Political Science 47 (2), 413-435, 2017
Coalition theory and local government: Coalition payoffs in Britain
M Laver, C Rallings, M Thrasher
British Journal of Political Science 17 (4), 501-509, 1987
The epidemiology of the Liberal Democrat vote
D Dorling, C Rallings, M Thrasher
Political Geography 17 (1), 45-70, 1998
Parties, recruitment and modernisation: evidence from local election candidates
C Rallings, M Thrasher, G Borisyuk, M Shears
Local Government Studies 36 (3), 361-379, 2010
Women in English local government, 1973–2003: getting selected, getting elected
G Borisyuk, C Rallings, M Thrasher
Contemporary Politics 13 (2), 181-199, 2007
Local elections in Britain: a statistical digest
C Rallings, M Thrasher
Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2003
The turnout ‘gap’and the costs of voting–a comparison of participation at the 2001 general and 2002 local elections in England
C Rallings, M Thrasher
Public Choice 131, 333-344, 2007
Explaining split-ticket voting at the 1979 and 1997 general and local elections in England
C Railings, M Thrasher
Political Studies 51 (3), 558-572, 2003
‘Just another expensive talking shop’: public attitudes and the 2004 Regional Assembly Referendum in the North East of England
C Rallings, M Thrasher
Regional Studies 40 (8), 927-936, 2006
Voter support for minor parties: assessing the social and political context of voting at the 2004 European elections in greater London
G Borisyuk, C Rallings, M Thrasher, H van der Kolk
Party politics 13 (6), 669-693, 2007
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Articles 1–20