Jiang Wei
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Cited by
Evidence of topological nodal-line fermions in ZrSiSe and ZrSiTe
J Hu, Z Tang, J Liu, X Liu, Y Zhu, D Graf, K Myhro, S Tran, CN Lau, J Wei, ...
Physical review letters 117 (1), 016602, 2016
New aspects of the metal–insulator transition in single-domain vanadium dioxide nanobeams
J Wei, Z Wang, W Chen, DH Cobden
Nature nanotechnology 4 (7), 420-424, 2009
Hydrogen stabilization of metallic vanadium dioxide in single-crystal nanobeams
J Wei, H Ji, W Guo, AH Nevidomskyy, D Natelson
Nature nanotechnology 7 (6), 357-362, 2012
Nano-optical Investigations of the Metal−Insulator Phase Behavior of Individual VO2 Microcrystals
AC Jones, S Berweger, J Wei, D Cobden, MB Raschke
Nano letters 10 (5), 1574-1581, 2010
Gate tunable quantum oscillations in air-stable and high mobility few-layer phosphorene heterostructures
N Gillgren, D Wickramaratne, Y Shi, T Espiritu, J Yang, J Hu, J Wei, X Liu, ...
2D Materials 2 (1), 011001, 2014
Observation of Fermi arc and its connection with bulk states in the candidate type-II Weyl semimetal
C Wang, Y Zhang, J Huang, S Nie, G Liu, A Liang, Y Zhang, B Shen, J Liu, ...
Physical Review B 94 (24), 241119, 2016
Nearly massless Dirac fermions and strong Zeeman splitting in the nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS probed by de Haas–van Alphen quantum oscillations
J Hu, Z Tang, J Liu, Y Zhu, J Wei, Z Mao
Physical Review B 96 (4), 045127, 2017
High performance field-effect transistor based on multilayer tungsten disulfide
X Liu, J Hu, C Yue, N Della Fera, Y Ling, Z Mao, J Wei
ACS nano 8 (10), 10396-10402, 2014
Modulation of the Electrical Properties of VO2 Nanobeams Using an Ionic Liquid as a Gating Medium
H Ji, J Wei, D Natelson
Nano Letters 12 (6), 2988-2992, 2012
Drastic Pressure Effect on the Extremely Large Magnetoresistance in : Quantum Oscillation Study
PL Cai, J Hu, LP He, J Pan, XC Hong, Z Zhang, J Zhang, J Wei, ZQ Mao, ...
Physical review letters 115 (5), 057202, 2015
Origin of the turn-on temperature behavior in
YL Wang, LR Thoutam, ZL Xiao, J Hu, S Das, ZQ Mao, J Wei, R Divan, ...
Physical Review B 92 (18), 180402, 2015
Synthesis and electrical characterization of silver nanobeams
BJ Wiley, Z Wang, J Wei, Y Yin, DH Cobden, Y Xia
Nano letters 6 (10), 2273-2278, 2006
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Monoclinic VO2 Micro- and Nanocrystals in One Step and Their Use in Fabricating Inverse Opals
JH Son, J Wei, D Cobden, G Cao, Y Xia
Chemistry of Materials 22 (10), 3043-3050, 2010
A magnetic topological semimetal Sr1−yMn1−zSb2 (y, z < 0.1)
JY Liu, J Hu, Q Zhang, D Graf, HB Cao, SMA Radmanesh, DJ Adams, ...
Nature materials 16 (9), 905-910, 2017
π Berry phase and Zeeman splitting of Weyl semimetal TaP
J Hu, JY Liu, D Graf, SMA Radmanesh, DJ Adams, A Chuang, Y Wang, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 18674, 2016
Phase transitions of adsorbed atoms on the surface of a carbon nanotube
Z Wang, J Wei, P Morse, JG Dash, OE Vilches, DH Cobden
Science 327 (5965), 552-555, 2010
Environmental instability and degradation of single-and few-layer WTe2 nanosheets in ambient conditions
F Ye, J Lee, J Hu, Z Mao, J Wei, PXL Feng
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.00097, 2016
Charge pumping in carbon nanotubes
PJ Leek, MR Buitelaar, VI Talyanskii, CG Smith, D Anderson, GAC Jones, ...
Physical review letters 95 (25), 256802, 2005
In Situ Diffraction Study of Catalytic Hydrogenation of VO2: Stable Phases and Origins of Metallicity
Y Filinchuk, NA Tumanov, V Ban, H Ji, J Wei, MW Swift, AH Nevidomskyy, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (22), 8100-8109, 2014
Thermal Transport in Quasi-1D van der Waals Crystal Ta2Pd3Se8 Nanowires: Size and Length Dependence
Q Zhang, C Liu, X Liu, J Liu, Z Cui, Y Zhang, L Yang, Y Zhao, TT Xu, ...
ACS nano 12 (3), 2634-2642, 2018
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