Tiberiu Dughi
Tiberiu Dughi
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A preliminary investigation of the technology acceptance model (TAM) in early childhood education and care
D Rad, A Egerau, A Roman, T Dughi, E Balas, R Maier, S Ignat, G Rad
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 13 (1 …, 2022
Pathways to inclusive and equitable quality early childhood education for achieving SDG4 goal—a scoping review
D Rad, A Redeș, A Roman, S Ignat, R Lile, E Demeter, A Egerău, T Dughi, ...
Frontiers in psychology 13, 955833, 2022
A radial basis function neural network approach to predict preschool teachers’ technology acceptance behavior
D Rad, GC Magulod Jr, E Balas, A Roman, A Egerau, R Maier, S Ignat, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 880753, 2022
Physical Self-Schema Acceptance and Perceived Severity of Online Aggressiveness in Cyberbullying Incidents.
A Roman, D Rad, A Egerau, D Dixon, T Dughi, G Kelemen, E Balas, ...
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education 9 (1), 100-116, 2020
The Dynamics of the Relationship between Humor and Benevolence as Values.
D Rad, T Dughi, E Demeter, G Rad
Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education/Revista Românească pentru …, 2019
Perspectives of Consent Silence in Cyberbullying.
D Rad, T Dughi, A Roman, S Ignat
Postmodern Openings/Deschideri Postmoderne 10 (2), 2019
Statistical Properties of a New Social Media Context Awareness Scale (SMCA)—A Preliminary Investigation
D Rad, V Balas, R Lile, E Demeter, T Dughi, G Rad
Sustainability 12 (12), 5201, 2020
Applied Research in Digital Wellbeing
A Egerau
Peter Lang, 2022
Immigrant women, e-skills, and employability in Europe: The case of Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, and Spain
M Garrido, G Rissolai, M Rastrelli, A Diaz, JA Ruíz
Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA), 2009
Dimensiuni psihologice ale învățării
T Dughi, AF Roman
Editura Universității" Aurel Vlaicu", 2008
Elemente de psihologia educației
AF Roman, T Dughi
Editura Universității" Aurel Vlaicu, 2007
Bunăstarea văzută prin ochii copiilor români: rezultatele studiului internațional „Lumea copiilor”(ISCWeB)
S Bălțătescu, C Bacter
Oradea, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Universității din Oradea, Editura Presa …, 2016
Perceived social support and anxiety: A correlational analysis
T Dughi
Educația Plus 26 (1), 287-295, 2020
The use of theory of planned behavior to systemically study the integrative-qualitative intentional behavior in Romanian preschool education with network analysis
D Rad, A Redeș, A Roman, A Egerău, R Lile, E Demeter, T Dughi, S Ignat, ...
Frontiers in psychology 13, 1017011, 2023
Child development trough bibliotherapy
Journal Plus Education 10 (1), 239-250, 2014
A Network Analysis-Driven Sequential Mediation Analysis of Students’ Perceived Classroom Comfort and Perceived Faculty Support on the Relationship between Teachers’ Cognitive …
T Dughi, D Rad, R Runcan, R Chiș, G Vancu, R Maier, A Costin, G Rad, ...
Behavioral Sciences 13 (2), 147, 2023
On the technology acceptance behavior of Romanian preschool teachers
D Rad, A Egerău, A Roman, T Dughi, G Kelemen, E Balaș, A Redeș, ...
Behavioral Sciences 13 (2), 133, 2023
The dynamics of the relationship between just-for-fun online harassment and perceived school safety
D Rad, A Roman, T Dughi, E Demeter, G Rad
Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020
Perspectives of consent silence in cyberbullying. Postmodern Openings, 10 (2), 57-73
DT Rad, T Dughi, A Roman, S Ignat
Consiliere educațională: abordări aplicative
T Dughi
Eikon, 2014
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Articole 1–20