Marc A. Bodet
Marc A. Bodet
Full professor, Université Laval
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Does proportional representation foster closer congruence between citizens and policy makers?
A Blais, MA Bodet
Comparative Political Studies 39 (10), 1243-1262, 2006
Sacrificial lambs, women candidates, and district competitiveness in Canada
M Thomas, MA Bodet
Electoral Studies 32 (1), 153-166, 2013
How Do Voters Form Expectations about the Parties' Chances of Winning the Election?*
A Blais, MA Bodet
Social Science Quarterly 87 (3), 477-493, 2006
Come hell or high water: An investigation of the effects of a natural disaster on a local election
MA Bodet, M Thomas, C Tessier
Electoral studies 43, 85-94, 2016
Campaign news and vote intentions
S Soroka, MA Bodet, L Young, B Andrew
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 19 (4), 359-376, 2009
Canadian public opinion about the military: Assessing the influences on attitudes toward defence spending and participation in overseas combat operations
S Fitzsimmons, A Craigie, MA Bodet
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2014
Strongholds and battlegrounds: measuring party support stability in Canada
MA Bodet
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2013
Voting strategically in Canada and Britain
A Blais, E Dostie-Goulet, MA Bodet
Duverger's Law of Plurality Voting: The Logic of Party Competition in Canada …, 2009
Linking party preferences and the composition of government: A new standard for evaluating the performance of electoral democracy
A Blais, E Guntermann, MA Bodet
Political Science Research and Methods 5 (2), 315-331, 2017
Fear and disappointment: Explaining the persistence of support for Quebec secession
E Richez, MA Bodet
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 22 (1), 77-93, 2012
A new dataset on the demographics of Canadian federal election candidates
A Johnson, E Tolley, M Thomas, MA Bodet
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2021
Strategic voting
A Blais, P Loewen, MA Bodet
Voters’ Veto: The, 68-84, 2002
Interpreting national trajectories with Gellner, Anderson and Smith: The case of Quebec
F Mathieu, MA Bodet
Revista d'estudis autonòmics i federals, 17-50, 2019
Les députés et les partis politiques sortants profitent-ils d'un avantage électoral? Une analyse des résultats électoraux au Québec
A Blais-Lacombe, MA Bodet
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2017
Effective support and electoral dynamics in Quebec
MA Bodet, K Villeneuve-Siconnelly
French Politics 18 (3), 221-237, 2020
Representation at the margins: The impact of governing parties on spending in Canada
MA Bodet
Party Politics 19 (4), 665-682, 2013
Getting the Message Out: Why mail-delivered GOTV interventions succeed or fail
A Fortier-Chouinard, MA Bodet, F Gélineau, J Savoie, M Ouimet
PS: Political Science & Politics 56 (1), 42-49, 2023
How much of electoral Politics Is in the district? Measuring district effects on Party support
MA Bodet, J Bouchard, M Thomas, C Tessier
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2022
Les élections partielles au Québec: Caractéristiques et tendances
A Blais-Lacombe, M Bodet
Politique et Sociétés 36 (3), 115-139, 2017
The effects of personal campaign financing on party defection: Evidence from Brazil
BF Lima, MA Bodet
Electoral Studies 84, 102649, 2023
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