Heon-Jung Kim
Heon-Jung Kim
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Dirac versus Weyl Fermions in Topological Insulators: Adler-Bell-Jackiw Anomaly<? format?> in Transport Phenomena
HJ Kim, KS Kim, JF Wang, M Sasaki, N Satoh, A Ohnishi, M Kitaura, ...
Physical review letters 111 (24), 246603, 2013
Orbital reflectometry of oxide heterostructures
E Benckiser, MW Haverkort, S Brück, E Goering, S Macke, A Frańó, ...
Nature Materials 10 (3), 189-193, 2011
Dendritic magnetic instability in superconducting MgB2 films
TH Johansen, M Baziljevich, DV Shantsev, PE Goa, WN Kang, HJ Kim, ...
Europhysics Letters 59 (4), 599, 2002
Pair-Breaking and Superconducting State Recovery Dynamics in
J Demsar, RD Averitt, AJ Taylor, VV Kabanov, WN Kang, HJ Kim, EM Choi, ...
Physical review letters 91 (26), 267002, 2003
Boltzmann equation approach to anomalous transport in a Weyl metal
KS Kim, HJ Kim, M Sasaki
Physical Review B 89 (19), 195137, 2014
Evidence for Nodal Quasiparticles in the Nonmagnetic Superconductor <?format ?>via Field-Angle-Dependent Heat Capacity
T Park, MB Salamon, EM Choi, HJ Kim, SI Lee
Physical review letters 90 (17), 177001, 2003
Suppression of superconducting critical current density by small flux jumps in thin films
ZW Zhao, SL Li, YM Ni, HP Yang, ZY Liu, HH Wen, WN Kang, HJ Kim, ...
Physical Review B 65 (6), 064512, 2002
Strongly Correlated -Wave Superconductivity in the -Type Infinite-Layer Cuprate
CT Chen, P Seneor, NC Yeh, RP Vasquez, LD Bell, CU Jung, JY Kim, ...
Physical review letters 88 (22), 227002, 2002
Dendritic flux patterns in MgB2 films
TH Johansen, M Baziljevich, DV Shantsev, PE Goa, YM Galperin, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 14 (9), 726, 2001
Local threshold field for dendritic instability in superconducting films
FL Barkov, DV Shantsev, TH Johansen, PE Goa, WN Kang, HJ Kim, ...
Physical Review B 67 (6), 064513, 2003
Current-induced dendritic magnetic instability in superconducting MgB2 films
AV Bobyl, DV Shantsev, TH Johansen, WN Kang, HJ Kim, EM Choi, ...
Applied physics letters 80 (24), 4588-4590, 2002
X-ray photoemission study of
RP Vasquez, CU Jung, MS Park, HJ Kim, JY Kim, SI Lee
Physical Review B 64 (5), 052510, 2001
Spectroscopic evidence for anisotropic s-wave pairing symmetry in
P Seneor, CT Chen, NC Yeh, RP Vasquez, LD Bell, CU Jung, MS Park, ...
Physical Review B 65 (1), 012505, 2001
Violation of Ohm’s law in a Weyl metal
D Shin, Y Lee, M Sasaki, YH Jeong, F Weickert, JB Betts, HJ Kim, KS Kim, ...
Nature materials 16 (11), 1096-1099, 2017
Substitution for Cu in the electron-doped infinite-layer superconductor Ni reduces much faster than Zn
CU Jung, JY Kim, MS Park, MS Kim, HJ Kim, SY Lee, SI Lee
Physical Review B 65 (17), 172501, 2002
Influence of Al doping on the critical fields and gap values in magnesium diboride single crystals
T Klein, L Lyard, J Marcus, C Marcenat, P Szabó, Z Hol’anová, P Samuely, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (22), 224528, 2006
Effect of disorder in thin films
M Iavarone, R Di Capua, AE Koshelev, WK Kwok, F Chiarella, R Vaglio, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (21), 214502, 2005
Hall effect in c-axis-oriented thin films
WN Kang, HJ Kim, EM Choi, HJ Kim, KHP Kim, HS Lee, SI Lee
Physical Review B 65 (13), 134508, 2002
High temporal stability of supercurrents in MgB2 materials
JR Thompson, M Paranthaman, DK Christen, KD Sorge, HJ Kim, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 14 (5), L17, 2001
Topological Phase Transitions Driven by Magnetic Phase Transitions<? format?> in Fe x Bi 2 Te 3 (0<? format?>≤<? format?> x<? format?>≤<? format?> 0.1) Single Crystals
HJ Kim, KS Kim, JF Wang, VA Kulbachinskii, K Ogawa, M Sasaki, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (13), 136601, 2013
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Articles 1–20