Utsab Barman
Cited by
Cited by
Code mixing: A challenge for language identification in the language of social media
U Barman, A Das, J Wagner, J Foster
Proceedings of the first workshop on computational approaches to code …, 2014
Dcu: Aspect-based polarity classification for semeval task 4
J Wagner, P Arora, S Cortes, U Barman, D Bogdanova, J Foster, L Tounsi
Association for Computational Linguistics and Dublin City University, 2014
NextGen AML: Distributed deep learning based language technologies to augment anti money laundering investigation
J Han, U Barman, J Hayes, J Du, E Burgin, D Wan
Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018
Dcu-uvt: Word-level language classification with code-mixed data
U Barman, J Wagner, G Chrupała, J Foster
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2014
Part-of-speech tagging of code-mixed social media content: Pipeline, stacking and joint modelling
U Barman, J Wagner, J Foster
Proceedings of the second workshop on computational approaches to code …, 2016
NER from Tweets: SRI-JU System @MSM 2013
SB Amitava Das, Utsab Burman, Balamurali Ar
Proceedings of the Concept Extraction Challenge at the Workshop on 'Making …, 2013
A statistics-based semantic textual entailment system
P Pakray, U Barman, S Bandyopadhyay, A Gelbukh
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 10th Mexican International Conference …, 2011
Integrated monitoring and communications system using knowledge graph based explanatory equipment management
U Costabello, Luca and Tsatsoulis, Penelope and Barman
US Patent App. 15/923,738, 2019
Semantic answer validation using universal networking language
P Pakray, U Barman, S Bandyopadhyay, A Gelbukh
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 3 (4 …, 2012
Automatic processing of code-mixed social media content
U Barman
Dublin City University, 2019
Ad-hoc information retrieval focused on wikipedia based query expansion and entropy based ranking
U Barman, P Lohar, P Bhaskar, S Bandyopadhyay
corpus 4, 57,370, 2012
Sentiment Analysis Meets Information Retrieval
U Barman
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Articles 1–12