Intimate partner violence in same-sex relationships and the role of sexual minority stressors: A systematic review of the past 10 years C Longobardi, L Badenes-Ribera Journal of Child and Family Studies 26 (8), 2039-2049, 2017 | 194 | 2017 |
Effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship intention and related outcomes in educational contexts: A meta-analysis S Martínez-Gregorio, L Badenes-Ribera, A Oliver The International Journal of Management Education 19 (3), 100545, 2021 | 184 | 2021 |
Prevalence of student violence against teachers: A meta-analysis. C Longobardi, L Badenes-Ribera, MA Fabris, A Martinez, SD McMahon Psychology of violence 9 (6), 596, 2019 | 178 | 2019 |
Beliefs about children’s adjustment in same-sex families: Spanish and Chilean university students D Frias-Navarro, H Monterde-i-Bort, J Barrientos-Delgado, ... The Spanish Journal of Psychology 17, E5, 2014 | 164 | 2014 |
Virtual reality as a medium to elicit empathy: A meta-analysis S Ventura, L Badenes-Ribera, R Herrero, A Cebolla, L Galiana, R Baños Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 23 (10), 667-676, 2020 | 163 | 2020 |
Intimate partner violence in self-identified lesbians: A meta-analysis of its prevalence L Badenes-Ribera, D Frias-Navarro, A Bonilla-Campos, G Pons-Salvador, ... Sexuality Research and Social Policy 12, 47-59, 2015 | 143 | 2015 |
Intimate partner violence in self-identified lesbians: A systematic review of its prevalence and correlates L Badenes-Ribera, A Bonilla-Campos, D Frias-Navarro, G Pons-Salvador, ... Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 17 (3), 284-297, 2016 | 138 | 2016 |
Parent and peer attachment as predictors of Facebook addiction symptoms in different developmental stages (early adolescents and adolescents) L Badenes-Ribera, MA Fabris, FGM Gastaldi, LE Prino, C Longobardi Addictive behaviors 95, 226-232, 2019 | 133 | 2019 |
The relationship between internalized homophobia and intimate partner violence in same-sex relationships: A meta-analysis L Badenes-Ribera, J Sánchez-Meca, C Longobardi Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 20 (3), 331-343, 2019 | 129 | 2019 |
Etiology of homosexuality and attitudes toward same-sex parenting: A randomized study D Frias-Navarro, H Monterde-i-Bort, M Pascual-Soler, L Badenes-Ribera The Journal of Sex Research 52 (2), 151-161, 2015 | 94 | 2015 |
The association between muscle dysmorphia and eating disorder symptomatology: A systematic review and meta-analysis L Badenes-Ribera, M Rubio-Aparicio, J Sanchez-Meca, MA Fabris, ... Journal of behavioral addictions 8 (3), 351-371, 2019 | 74 | 2019 |
The relationship between animal cruelty in children and adolescent and interpersonal violence: A systematic review C Longobardi, L Badenes-Ribera Aggression and violent behavior 46, 201-211, 2019 | 74 | 2019 |
The effectiveness of the GoKoan e-learning platform in improving university students’ academic performance MJ Nácher, L Badenes-Ribera, C Torrijos, MA Ballesteros, E Cebadera Studies in Educational Evaluation 70, 101026, 2021 | 66 | 2021 |
Interpretation of the p value: A national survey study in academic psychologists from Spain L Badenes-Ribera, D Frías-Navarro, H Monterde-i-Bort, M Pascual-Soler Psicothema, 290-295, 2015 | 61 | 2015 |
Adverse childhood experiences and body dysmorphic symptoms: A meta-analysis C Longobardi, L Badenes-Ribera, MA Fabris Body image 40, 267-284, 2022 | 51 | 2022 |
The relationship between internalized homonegativity and body image concerns in sexual minority men: A meta-analysis L Badenes-Ribera, MA Fabris, C Longobardi Psychology & Sexuality 9 (3), 251-268, 2018 | 49 | 2018 |
School adjustment in children who stutter: The quality of the student-teacher relationship, peer relationships, and children’s academic and behavioral competence M Berchiatti, L Badenes-Ribera, A Ferrer, C Longobardi, FGM Gastaldi Children and Youth Services Review 116, 105226, 2020 | 44 | 2020 |
The student–teacher relationship quality in children with selective mutism C Longobardi, L Badenes‐Ribera, FGM Gastaldi, LE Prino Psychology in the Schools 56 (1), 32-41, 2019 | 44 | 2019 |
Misconceptions of the p-value among Chilean and Italian Academic Psychologists L Badenes-Ribera, D Frias-Navarro, B Iotti, A Bonilla-Campos, ... Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1247, 2016 | 40 | 2016 |
Bullying in students with special education needs and learning difficulties: The role of the student–teacher relationship quality and students’ social status in the peer group M Berchiatti, A Ferrer, L Galiana, L Badenes-Ribera, C Longobardi Child & youth care forum, 1-23, 2021 | 39 | 2021 |