Jacob Groshek, Ph.D.
Jacob Groshek, Ph.D.
Executive Director, IRSM | Chair of Emerging Media, KSU
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Helping populism win? Social media use, filter bubbles, and support for populist presidential candidates in the 2016 US election campaign
J Groshek, K Koc-Michalska
Information, Communication & Society 20 (9), 1389-1407, 2017
The democratic effects of the Internet, 1994—2003: A cross-national inquiry of 152 countries
J Groshek
International Communication Gazette 71 (3), 115-136, 2009
Agenda trending: Reciprocity and the predictive capacity of social network sites in intermedia agenda setting across issues over time
J Groshek, M Clough Groshek
Available at SSRN 2199144, 2013
Public sentiment and critical framing in social media content during the 2012 US presidential campaign
J Groshek, A Al-Rawi
Social Science Computer Review 31 (5), 563-576, 2013
The affordance effect: Gatekeeping and (non) reciprocal journalism on Twitter
J Groshek, E Tandoc
Proceedings of the 7th 2016 international conference on social media …, 2016
Media, instability, and democracy: Examining the Granger-causal relationships of 122 countries from 1946 to 2003
J Groshek
Journal of Communication 61 (6), 1161-1182, 2011
Embedding the internet in the lives of college students: Online and offline behavior
CL Ogan, M Ozakca, J Groshek
Social Science Computer Review 26 (2), 170-177, 2008
Meaner on mobile: Incivility and impoliteness in communicating online
J Groshek, C Cutino
Proceedings of the 7th 2016 International Conference on Social Media …, 2016
Double differentiation in a cross-national comparison of populist political movements and online media uses in the United States and the Netherlands
J Groshek, J Engelbert
New media & society 15 (2), 183-202, 2013
Online media and offline empowerment in post-rebellion Tunisia: An analysis of Internet use during democratic transition
A Breuer, J Groshek
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 11 (1), 25-44, 2014
What the fake? Assessing the extent of networked political spamming and bots in the propagation of# fakenews on Twitter
A Al-Rawi, J Groshek, L Zhang
Online Information Review 43 (1), 53-71, 2019
Homogenous agendas, disparate frames: CNN and CNN International coverage online
J Groshek
Journal of broadcasting & electronic media 52 (1), 52-68, 2008
A cross-section of voter learning, campaign interest and intention to vote in the 2008 American election: Did Web 2.0 matter
J Groshek, D Dimitrova
Communication Studies Journal 9 (1), 355-375, 2011
A time-series, multinational analysis of democratic forecasts and Internet diffusion
J Groshek
International Journal of Communication 4, 33, 2010
Social media use and preferences in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
J Reich, L Guo, J Groshek, J Weinberg, W Chen, C Martin, MD Long, ...
Inflammatory bowel diseases 25 (3), 587-591, 2019
Netflix and engage? Implications for streaming television on political participation during the 2016 US presidential campaign
J Groshek, S Krongard
Social Sciences 5 (4), 65, 2016
Social media use in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
L Guo, J Reich, J Groshek, FA Farraye
Inflammatory bowel diseases 22 (5), 1231-1238, 2016
Coverage of the pre-Iraq War debate as a case study of frame indexing
J Groshek
Media, War & Conflict 1 (3), 315-338, 2008
A survey of social media use and preferences in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
J Reich, L Guo, J Hall, A Tran, J Weinberg, J Groshek, TE Rowell, ...
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 22 (11), 2678-2687, 2016
Negotiated Hegemony and Reconstructed Boundaries in Alternative Media Coverage of Globalization
International Journal of Communication 5, 1523-1544, 2011
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