Jennifer D. Nahrgang
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Cited by
Integrating motivational, social, and contextual work design features: a meta-analytic summary and theoretical extension of the work design literature.
SE Humphrey, JD Nahrgang, FP Morgeson
Journal of applied psychology 92 (5), 1332, 2007
Trait and behavioral theories of leadership: An integration and meta‐analytic test of their relative validity
DS Derue, JD Nahrgang, NED Wellman, SE Humphrey
Personnel psychology 64 (1), 7-52, 2011
Authentic leadership and eudaemonic well-being: Understanding leader–follower outcomes
R Ilies, FP Morgeson, JD Nahrgang
The leadership quarterly 16 (3), 373-394, 2005
Safety at work: a meta-analytic investigation of the link between job demands, job resources, burnout, engagement, and safety outcomes.
JD Nahrgang, FP Morgeson, DA Hofmann
Journal of applied psychology 96 (1), 71, 2011
Leader-member exchange and citizenship behaviors: a meta-analysis.
R Ilies, JD Nahrgang, FP Morgeson
Journal of applied psychology 92 (1), 269, 2007
The development of leader–member exchanges: Exploring how personality and performance influence leader and member relationships over time
JD Nahrgang, FP Morgeson, R Ilies
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 108 (2), 256-266, 2009
Understanding why they don’t see eye to eye: An examination of leader–member exchange (LMX) agreement.
HP Sin, JD Nahrgang, FP Morgeson
Journal of applied psychology 94 (4), 1048, 2009
A quasi-experimental study of after-event reviews and leadership development.
DS DeRue, JD Nahrgang, JR Hollenbeck, K Workman
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (5), 997, 2012
Interpersonal perceptions and the emergence of leadership structures in groups: A network perspective
DS DeRue, JD Nahrgang, SJ Ashford
Organization Science 26 (4), 1192-1209, 2015
Harmful help: the costs of backing-up behavior in teams.
CM Barnes, JR Hollenbeck, DT Wagner, DS DeRue, JD Nahrgang, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (3), 529, 2008
Work redesign: Eight obstacles and opportunities
MA Campion, TV Mumford, FP Morgeson, JD Nahrgang
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2005
Illuminating the ‘face’of justice: A meta‐analytic examination of leadership and organizational justice
EP Karam, J Hu, RB Davison, M Juravich, JD Nahrgang, SE Humphrey, ...
Journal of Management Studies 56 (1), 134-171, 2019
Strategic leadership systems: Viewing top management teams and boards of directors from a multiteam systems perspective
MM Luciano, JD Nahrgang, C Shropshire
Academy of Management Review 45 (3), 675-701, 2020
Not all differentiation is the same: Examining the moderating effects of leader-member exchange (LMX) configurations.
JJ Seo, JD Nahrgang, MZ Carter, PW Hom
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (5), 478, 2018
Same as It Ever Was: Recognizing Stability in the BusinessWeek Rankings
FP Morgeson, JD Nahrgang
Academy of Management Learning & Education 7 (1), 26-41, 2008
How and why high leader-member exchange (LMX) relationships develop: Examining the antecedents of LMX
JD Nahrgang, JJ Seo
The Oxford handbook of leader-member exchange, 87-118, 2015
Do the hustle! Empowerment from side-hustles and its effects on full-time work performance
H Sessions, JD Nahrgang, MJ Vaulont, R Williams, AL Bartels
Academy of Management Journal 64 (1), 235-264, 2021
Goal setting in teams: The impact of learning and performance goals on process and performance
JD Nahrgang, DS DeRue, JR Hollenbeck, M Spitzmuller, DK Jundt, ...
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 122 (1), 12-21, 2013
I’m tired of listening: The effects of supervisor appraisals of group voice on supervisor emotional exhaustion and performance.
H Sessions, JD Nahrgang, DW Newton, M Chamberlin
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (6), 619, 2020
The risky side of leadership: Conceptualizing risk perceptions in informal leadership and investigating the effects of their over-time changes in teams
C Zhang, JD Nahrgang, SJ Ashford, DS DeRue
Organization science 31 (5), 1138-1158, 2020
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Articles 1–20