John D. Kisiday
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Cited by
Self-assembling peptide hydrogel fosters chondrocyte extracellular matrix production and cell division: implications for cartilage tissue repair
J Kisiday, M Jin, B Kurz, H Hung, C Semino, S Zhang, AJ Grodzinsky
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (15), 9996-10001, 2002
Increased knee cartilage volume in degenerative joint disease using percutaneously implanted, autologous mesenchymal stem cells
CJ Centeno, D Busse, J Kisiday, C Keohan, M Freeman, D Karli
Pain physician 11 (3), 343, 2008
Evaluation of adipose‐derived stromal vascular fraction or bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of osteoarthritis
DD Frisbie, JD Kisiday, CE Kawcak, NM Werpy, CW McIlwraith
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 27 (12), 1675-1680, 2009
Evaluation of intra-articular mesenchymal stem cells to augment healing of microfractured chondral defects
CW McIlwraith, DD Frisbie, WG Rodkey, JD Kisiday, NM Werpy, ...
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 27 (11), 1552-1561, 2011
Effects of dynamic compressive loading on chondrocyte biosynthesis in self-assembling peptide scaffolds
JD Kisiday, M Jin, MA DiMicco, B Kurz, AJ Grodzinsky
Journal of biomechanics 37 (5), 595-604, 2004
Evaluation of adult equine bone marrow‐and adipose‐derived progenitor cell chondrogenesis in hydrogel cultures
JD Kisiday, PW Kopesky, CH Evans, AJ Grodzinsky, CW McIlwraith, ...
Journal of orthopaedic research 26 (3), 322-331, 2008
Regeneration of meniscus cartilage in a knee treated with percutaneously implanted autologous mesenchymal stem cells
CJ Centeno, D Busse, J Kisiday, C Keohan, M Freeman, D Karli
Medical hypotheses 71 (6), 900-908, 2008
Clinical outcome after intra‐articular administration of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells in 33 horses with stifle injury
DJ Ferris, DD Frisbie, JD Kisiday, CW McIlwraith, BA Hague, MD Major, ...
Veterinary Surgery 43 (3), 255-265, 2014
Dynamic compression stimulates proteoglycan synthesis by mesenchymal stem cells in the absence of chondrogenic cytokines
JD Kisiday, DD Frisbie, CW McIlwraith, AJ Grodzinsky
Tissue Engineering Part A 15 (10), 2817-2824, 2009
Macroscopic scaffold containing amphiphilic peptides encapsulating cells
J Kisiday, A Grodzinsky, S Zhang
US Patent 7,449,180, 2008
Evaluation of medium supplemented with insulin–transferrin–selenium for culture of primary bovine calf chondrocytes in three-dimensional hydrogel scaffolds
JD Kisiday, B Kurz, MA DiMicco, AJ Grodzinsky
Tissue engineering 11 (1-2), 141-151, 2005
Effect of self-assembling peptide, chondrogenic factors, and bone marrow-derived stromal cells on osteochondral repair
RE Miller, AJ Grodzinsky, EJ Vanderploeg, C Lee, DJ Ferris, MF Barrett, ...
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 18 (12), 1608-1619, 2010
Polysaccharide-based polyelectrolyte multilayer surface coatings can enhance mesenchymal stem cell response to adsorbed growth factors
J Almodovar, S Bacon, J Gogolski, JD Kisiday, MJ Kipper
Biomacromolecules 11 (10), 2629-2639, 2010
Controlled delivery of transforming growth factor β1 by self-assembling peptide hydrogels induces chondrogenesis of bone marrow stromal cells and modulates Smad2/3 signaling
PW Kopesky, EJ Vanderploeg, JD Kisiday, DD Frisbie, JD Sandy, ...
Tissue Engineering Part A 17 (1-2), 83-92, 2011
Evaluation of the inflammatory response in experimentally induced synovitis in the horse: a comparison of recombinant equine interleukin 1 beta and lipopolysaccharide
TN Ross, JD Kisiday, T Hess, CW McIlwraith
Osteoarthritis and cartilage 20 (12), 1583-1590, 2012
Addition of mesenchymal stem cells to autologous platelet-enhanced fibrin scaffolds in chondral defects: does it enhance repair?
LR Goodrich, AC Chen, NM Werpy, AA Williams, JD Kisiday, AW Su, ...
JBJS 98 (1), 23-34, 2016
Structure of pericellular matrix around agarose-embedded chondrocytes
MA Dimicco, JD Kisiday, H Gong, AJ Grodzinsky
Osteoarthritis and cartilage 15 (10), 1207-1216, 2007
Adult equine bone marrow stromal cells produce a cartilage-like ECM mechanically superior to animal-matched adult chondrocytes
PW Kopesky, HY Lee, EJ Vanderploeg, JD Kisiday, DD Frisbie, ...
Matrix Biology 29 (5), 427-438, 2010
Equine bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BMDMSC s) from the ilium and sternum: Are there differences?
MK Adams, LR Goodrich, S Rao, F Olea‐Popelka, N Phillips, JD Kisiday, ...
Equine veterinary journal 45 (3), 372-375, 2013
Osteoblastic differentiation of human and equine adult bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells when BMP‐2 or BMP‐7 homodimer genetic modification is compared to BMP‐2/7 …
RS Carpenter, LR Goodrich, DD Frisbie, JD Kisiday, B Carbone, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 28 (10), 1330-1337, 2010
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Articles 1–20