David Gacio
David Gacio
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Analysis and design of the integrated double buck–boost converter as a high-power-factor driver for power-LED lamps
JM Alonso, J Viña, DG Vaquero, G Martínez, R Osorio
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (4), 1689-1697, 2011
A universal-input single-stag2e high-power-factor power supply for HB-LEDs based on integrated buck–flyback converter
D Gacio, JM Alonso, AJ Calleja, J Garcia, M Rico-Secades
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (2), 589-599, 2010
PWM series dimming for slow-dynamics HPF LED drivers: The high-frequency approach
D Gacio, JM Alonso, J Garcia, L Campa, MJ Crespo, M Rico-Secades
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (4), 1717-1727, 2011
Analysis, design, and experimentation on constant-frequency DC-DC resonant converters with magnetic control
JM Alonso, MS Perdigao, DG Vaquero, AJ Calleja, ES Saraiva
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (3), 1369-1382, 2011
Interleaved buck converter for fast PWM dimming of high-brightness LEDs
J Garcia, AJ Calleja, EL Corominas, DG Vaquero, L Campa
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (9), 2627-2636, 2011
Reducing storage capacitance in off-line LED power supplies by using integrated converters
JM Alonso, D Gacio, AJ Calleja, F Sichirollo, MF da Silva, MA Dalla Costa, ...
2012 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1-8, 2012
Effects of the junction temperature on the dynamic resistance of white LEDs
D Gacio, JM Alonso, J Garcia, MS Perdigao, ES Saraiva, FE Bisogno
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 49 (2), 750-760, 2013
A study on LED retrofit solutions for low-voltage halogen cycle lamps
JM Alonso, D Gacio, AJ Calleja, J Ribas, EL Corominas
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 48 (5), 1673-1682, 2012
Electronic driver without electrolytic capacitor for dimming high brightness LEDs
J Garcia, AJ Calleja, EL Corominas, D Gacio, J Ribas
2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 3518-3523, 2009
Analysis and design of the integrated double buck-boost converter operating in full DCM for LED lighting applications
JM Alonso, D Gacio, J Garcia, M Rico-Secades, MA Dalla Costa
IECON 2011-37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2011
High frequency PWM dimming technique for high power factor converters in LED lighting
D Gacio, JM Alonso, J Garcia, L Campa, M Crespo, M Rico-Secades
2010 Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2010
A long-life high-power-factor HPS-lamp LED retrofit converter based on the integrated buck-boost buck topology
JM Alonso, AJ Calleja, D Gacio, J Cardesín, E López
IECON 2011-37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2011
A novel flyback-based input PFC stage for electronic ballasts in lighting applications
J Garcia, MA Dalla-Costa, AL Kirsten, D Gacio, AJ Calleja
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 49 (2), 769-777, 2013
Analysis and design of the quadratic buck-boost converter as a high-power-factor driver for power-LED lamps
JM Alonso, J Viña, D Gacio, L Campa, G Martínez, R Osorio
IECON 2010-36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2010
Comparison among power LEDs for automotive lighting applications
D Gacio, J Cardesin, EL Corominas, JM Alonso, M Dalla-Costa, ...
2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1-5, 2008
Optimizing universal ballasts using magnetic regulators and digital control
JM Alonso, MS Perdigao, J Ribas, D Gacio, ES Saraiva
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (7), 2860-2871, 2010
Optimization of a front-end DCM buck PFP for an HPF integrated single-stage LED driver
D Gacio, JM Alonso, J Garcia, D Garcia-Llera, J Cardesin
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 3 (3), 666-678, 2015
A straightforward methodology to modeling high power factor AC–DC converters
JM Alonso, D Gacio, F Sichirollo, AR Seidel, MA Dalla Costa
IEEE transactions on power electronics 28 (10), 4723-4731, 2012
Microcontroller-based high-power-factor electronic ballast to supply metal halide lamps
MA Dalla Costa, JMA Alvarez, J Garcia, ALÍ Kirsten, DG Vaquero
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (4), 1779-1788, 2011
Magnetic control of DC-DC resonant converters provides constant frequency operation
JM Alonso, MS Perdigao, D Gacio, L Campa, ES Saraiva
Electronics letters 46 (6), 440-442, 2010
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