Michael Ulrich
Michael Ulrich
Associate Professor, Utah State University, Management Department
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Cited by
HR from the outside in: Six competencies for the future of human resources
D Ulrich, J Younger, W Brockbank, M Ulrich
McGraw Hill Professional, 2012
The state of the HR profession
D Ulrich, J Younger, W Brockbank, MD Ulrich
Human Resource Management 52 (3), 457-471, 2013
Live lecture versus video-recorded lecture: are students voting with their feet?
S Cardall, E Krupat, M Ulrich
Academic Medicine 83 (12), 1174-1178, 2008
A road well traveled: The past, present, and future journey of strategic human resource management
PM Wright, MD Ulrich
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 4 (1 …, 2017
HR talent and the new HR competencies
D Ulrich, J Younger, W Brockbank, M Ulrich
Strategic HR Review 11 (4), 217-222, 2012
Planning for future leadership: Procedural rationality, formalized succession processes, and CEO influence in CEO succession planning
DJ Schepker, AJ Nyberg, MD Ulrich, PM Wright
Academy of Management Journal 61 (2), 523-552, 2018
Analytical abilities and the performance of HR professionals
D Kryscynski, C Reeves, R Stice‐Lusvardi, M Ulrich, G Russell
Human Resource Management 57 (3), 715-738, 2018
Going beyond the SHRM paradigm: Examining four approaches to governing employees
ZX Su, PM Wright, MD Ulrich
Journal of Management 44 (4), 1598-1619, 2018
Victory through organization: Why the war for talent is failing your company and what you can do about it
D Ulrich, D Kryscynski, W Brockbank, M Ulrich
McGraw-Hill, 2017
Global HR competencies
D Ulrich, W Brockbank, J Younger, M Ulrich
McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2012
Competencies for HR professionals who deliver outcomes
D Ulrich, D Kryscynski, M Ulrich, W Brockbank
Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2017
Toward a Synthesis of HR Competency Models: The Common HR" Food Groups"
D Ulrich, W Brockbank, M Ulrich, D Kryscynski
HR People+ Strategy, 2015
Nová éra řízení lidských zdrojů–ze servisu partnerem: šest kompetencí pro HR budoucnosti
U Dave, Y Jon, B Wayne, U Mike
Grada Publishing, as, 2014
Recent study shows impact of HR competencies on business performance
W Brockbank, D Ulrich, J Younger, M Ulrich
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company, 2012
Marshalling talent
D Ulrich, M Ulrich
Paper Accepted at the 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2010
How symbolic human resource function actions affect the implementation of high‐performance work practices: The mediating effect of influence on strategic decision‐making
M Hermans, MD Ulrich
Human Resource Management Journal 31 (4), 1063-1081, 2021
The future of HR and information capability
W Brockbank, D Ulrich, DG Kryscynski, M Ulrich
Strategic HR Review 17 (1), 3-10, 2018
Leaders as paradox navigators
D Ulrich, D Kryscynski, M Ulrich, W Brockbank
Leader to Leader 2017 (86), 53-59, 2017
The emergence of intragroup conflict: Variations in conflict configurations
MA Korsgaard, RE Ployhart, MD Ulrich
Handbook of conflict management research, 51-65, 2014
Competencies for HR professionals working outside-in
D Ulrich, J Younger, W Brockbank, M Ulrich
The RBL White Paper Series, 2011
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Articles 1–20