Malabika Basu
Malabika Basu
Senior Lecturer, Technological University Dublin, Ireland
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Microgrid: Architecture, policy and future trends
L Mariam, M Basu, MF Conlon
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 64, 477-489, 2016
Understanding the operation of a Z-source inverter for photovoltaic application with a design example
M Hanif, M Basu, K Gaughan
IET Power Electronics 4 (3), 278-287, 2011
A review of existing microgrid architectures
L Mariam, M Basu, MF Conlon
Journal of engineering 2013 (1), 937614, 2013
Power quality in grid connected renewable energy systems: Role of custom power devices
SK Khadem, M Basu, M Conlon
Technological University Dublin, 2010
Comparative evaluation of two models of UPQC for suitable interface to enhance power quality
M Basu, SP Das, GK Dubey
Electric Power Systems Research 77 (7), 821-830, 2007
A 12-kVA DSP-controlled laboratory prototype UPQC capable of mitigating unbalance in source voltage and load current
I Axente, JN Ganesh, M Basu, MF Conlon, K Gaughan
IEEE Transactions on power Electronics 25 (6), 1471-1479, 2010
Real‐time control of shunt active power filter under distorted grid voltage and unbalanced load condition using self‐tuning filter
S Biricik, S Redif, ÖC Özerdem, SK Khadem, M Basu
IET Power Electronics 7 (7), 1895-1905, 2014
Investigation on the performance of UPQC-Q for voltage sag mitigation and power quality improvement at a critical load point
M Basu, SP Das, GK Dubey
IET generation, transmission & distribution 2 (3), 414-423, 2008
Harmonic power compensation capacity of shunt active power filter and its relationship with design parameters
SK Khadem, M Basu, MF Conlon
IET Power Electronics 7 (2), 418-430, 2014
Parallel operation of inverters and active power filters in distributed generation system—A review
SK Khadem, M Basu, MF Conlon
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (9), 5155-5168, 2011
Intelligent islanding and seamless reconnection technique for microgrid with UPQC
SK Khadem, M Basu, MF Conlon
IEEE Journal of Emerging and selected topics in Power Electronics 3 (2), 483-492, 2014
Enhanced network voltage management techniques under the proliferation of rooftop solar PV installation in low-voltage distribution network
S Pukhrem, M Basu, MF Conlon, K Sunderland
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 5 (2), 681-694, 2016
Performance study of UPQC-Q for load compensation and voltage sag mitigation
M Basu, SP Das, GK Dubey
IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society …, 2002
Protection of sensitive loads using sliding mode controlled three-phase DVR with adaptive notch filter
S Biricik, H Komurcugil, ND Tuyen, M Basu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (7), 5465-5475, 2018
Harmonic distortion caused by EV battery chargers in the distribution systems network and its remedy
M Basu, K Gaughan, E Coyle
39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2004. UPEC …, 2004
UPQC for power quality improvement in dg integrated smart grid network-a review
MSK Khadem, M Basu, MF Conlon
International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 13 (1), 2012
Rating requirements of the unified power quality conditioner to integrate the fixed-speed induction generator-type wind generation to the grid
NG Jayanti, M Basu, MF Conlon, K Gaughan
IET Renewable Power Generation 3 (2), 133-143, 2009
Probabilistic risk assessment of power quality variations and events under temporal and spatial characteristic of increased PV integration in low-voltage distribution networks
S Pukhrem, M Basu, MF Conlon
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (3), 3246-3254, 2018
Development of EN50438 compliant wavelet-based islanding detection technique for three-phase static distributed generation systems
M Hanif, M Basu, K Gaughan
IET renewable power generation 6 (4), 289-301, 2012
Experimental investigation of performance of a single phase UPQC for voltage sensitive and non-linear loads
M Basu, SP Das, GK Dubey
4th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems …, 2001
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