Timothy J. Pleskac
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Cited by
Two-stage dynamic signal detection: A theory of choice, decision time, and confidence.
TJ Pleskac, JR Busemeyer
Psychological Review 117 (3), 864, 2010
The description–experience gap in risky choice: The role of sample size and experienced probabilities
R Hau, TJ Pleskac, J Kiefer, R Hertwig
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 21 (5), 493-518, 2008
Prediction of 4-year college student performance using cognitive and noncognitive predictors and the impact on demographic status of admitted students.
N Schmitt, J Keeney, FL Oswald, TJ Pleskac, AQ Billington, R Sinha, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (6), 1479, 2009
Modeling behavior in a clinically diagnostic sequential risk-taking task.
TS Wallsten, TJ Pleskac, CW Lejuez
Psychological review 112 (4), 862, 2005
Decisions from experience: Why small samples?
R Hertwig, TJ Pleskac
Cognition 115 (2), 225-237, 2010
Ecologically rational choice and the structure of the environment.
TJ Pleskac, R Hertwig
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (5), 2000, 2014
Development of an automatic response mode to improve the clinical utility of sequential risk-taking tasks.
TJ Pleskac, TS Wallsten, P Wang, CW Lejuez
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 16 (6), 555, 2008
Decisions from experience and statistical probabilities: Why they trigger different choices than a priori probabilities
R Hau, TJ Pleskac, R Hertwig
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 23 (1), 48-68, 2010
Neural correlates of evidence accumulation in a perceptual decision task
T Liu, TJ Pleskac
Journal of neurophysiology 106 (5), 2383-2398, 2011
Decision making and learning while taking sequential risks.
TJ Pleskac
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34 (1), 167, 2008
Interference effects of choice on confidence: Quantum characteristics of evidence accumulation
PD Kvam, TJ Pleskac, S Yu, JR Busemeyer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (34), 10645-10650, 2015
Dynamics of postdecisional processing of confidence.
S Yu, TJ Pleskac, MD Zeigenfuse
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144 (2), 489, 2015
Similar processes despite divergent behavior in two commonly used measures of risky decision making
AJ Bishara, TJ Pleskac, DJ Fridberg, E Yechiam, J Lucas, JR Busemeyer, ...
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 22 (4), 435-454, 2009
How race affects evidence accumulation during the decision to shoot
TJ Pleskac, J Cesario, DJ Johnson
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 25, 1301-1330, 2018
How prior information and police experience impact decisions to shoot.
DJ Johnson, J Cesario, TJ Pleskac
Journal of personality and social psychology 115 (4), 601, 2018
Wise or mad crowds? The cognitive mechanisms underlying information cascades
AN Tump, TJ Pleskac, RHJM Kurvers
Science Advances 6 (29), eabb0266, 2020
Theoretical tools for understanding and aiding dynamic decision making
JR Busemeyer, TJ Pleskac
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 53 (3), 126-138, 2009
A signal detection analysis of the recognition heuristic
TJ Pleskac
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 14 (3), 379-391, 2007
The game of life: How small samples render choice simpler
R Hertwig, TJ Pleskac
The probabilistic mind: Prospects for rational models of cognition, 209-236, 2008
Taming uncertainty
R Hertwig, TJ Pleskac, T Pachur
Mit Press, 2019
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Articles 1–20