Tomasz M. Grzegorczyk
Tomasz M. Grzegorczyk
Chief Scientist, BAE Systems
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Robust method to retrieve the constitutive effective parameters of metamaterials
X Chen, TM Grzegorczyk, BI Wu, J Pacheco Jr, JA Kong
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (1 …, 2004
Left-handed materials composed of only S-shaped resonators
H Chen, L Ran, J Huangfu, X Zhang, K Chen, TM Grzegorczyk, J Au Kong
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (5 …, 2004
Physics and applications of negative refractive index materials
SA Ramakrishna, TM Grzegorczyk
CRC press, 2008
A study of using metamaterials as antenna substrate to enhance gain
BI Wu, W Wang, J Pacheco, X Chen, TM Grzegorczyk, J Kong
Progress in electromagnetics research 51, 295-328, 2005
Fast 3-D tomographic microwave imaging for breast cancer detection
TM Grzegorczyk, PM Meaney, PA Kaufman, KD Paulsen
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 31 (8), 1584-1592, 2012
Retrieval of the effective constitutive parameters of bianisotropic metamaterials
X Chen, BI Wu, JA Kong, TM Grzegorczyk
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (4 …, 2005
Experimental Observation of Left-Handed Behavior<? format?> in an Array of Standard Dielectric Resonators
L Peng, L Ran, H Chen, H Zhang, JA Kong, TM Grzegorczyk
Physical review letters 98 (15), 157403, 2007
Experimental confirmation of negative refractive index of a metamaterial composed of Ω-like metallic patterns
J Huangfu, L Ran, H Chen, X Zhang, K Chen, TM Grzegorczyk, JA Kong
Applied Physics Letters 84 (9), 1537-1539, 2004
Guided modes with imaginary transverse wave number in a slab waveguide with negative permittivity and permeability
BI Wu, TM Grzegorczyk, Y Zhang, JA Kong
Journal of Applied Physics 93 (11), 9386-9388, 2003
Power propagation in homogeneous isotropic frequency-dispersive left-handed media
J Pacheco Jr, TM Grzegorczyk, BI Wu, Y Zhang, JA Kong
Physical Review Letters 89 (25), 257401, 2002
Čerenkov radiation in materials with negative permittivity and permeability
J Lu, TM Grzegorczyk, Y Zhang, J Pacheco Jr, BI Wu, JA Kong, M Chen
Optics Express 11 (7), 723-734, 2003
Metamaterial exhibiting left-handed properties over multiple frequency bands
H Chen, L Ran, J Huangfu, X Zhang, K Chen, TM Grzegorczyk, JA Kong
Journal of Applied Physics 96 (9), 5338-5340, 2004
Negative refraction of a combined double S-shaped metamaterial
H Chen, L Ran, J Huangfu, X Zhang, K Chen, TM Grzegorczyk, JA Kong
Applied Physics Letters 86 (15), 2005
Experimental study on several left-handed matamaterials
LX Ran, JT Huang-Fu, H Chen, XM Zhang, K Chen, TM Grzegorczyk, ...
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 51, 249-279, 2005
Controllable left-handed metamaterial and its application to a steerable antenna
H Chen, BI Wu, L Ran, TM Grzegorczyk, JA Kong
Applied physics letters 89 (5), 2006
Stable optical trapping based on optical binding forces
TM Grzegorczyk, BA Kemp, JA Kong
Physical review letters 96 (11), 113903, 2006
Magnetic properties of S-shaped split-ring resonators
H Chen, LX Ran, JT Huang-Fu, XM Zhang, K Chen, TM Grzegorczyk, ...
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 51, 231-247, 2005
Refraction laws for anisotropic media and their application to left-handed metamaterials
TM Grzegorczyk, M Nikku, X Chen, BI Wu, JA Kong
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 53 (4), 1443-1450, 2005
Numerical studies of left handed metamaterials
CD Moss, TM Grzegorczyk, Y Zhang, JA Kong
Progress in electromagnetics research 35, 315-334, 2002
Equivalent circuit model for left-handed metamaterials
H Chen, L Ran, J Huangfu, TM Grzegorczyk, JA Kong
Journal of applied physics 100 (2), 2006
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