Stefanka Chukova
Stefanka Chukova
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Maintenance models in warranty: A literature review
M Shafiee, S Chukova
European Journal of Operational Research 229 (3), 561-572, 2013
Two-dimensional warranty repair strategy based on minimal and complete repairs
S Chukova, MR Johnston
Mathematical and computer modelling 44 (11-12), 1133-1143, 2006
Warranty analysis: An approach to modeling imperfect repairs
S Chukova, R Arnold, DQ Wang
International journal of production economics 89 (1), 57-68, 2004
Warranty cost analysis: Non‐zero repair time
S Chukova, Y Hayakawa
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 20 (1), 59-71, 2004
On optimal upgrade level for used products under given cost structures
M Shafiee, M Finkelstein, S Chukova
Reliability engineering & system safety 96 (2), 286-291, 2011
Warranty costs: An age‐dependent failure/repair model
B Dimitrov, S Chukova, Z Khalil
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 51 (7), 959-976, 2004
Ensemble k-nearest neighbors based on centroid displacement
AX Wang, SS Chukova, BP Nguyen
Information Sciences 629, 313-323, 2023
On the investment in a reliability improvement program for warranted second-hand items
M Shafiee, S Chukova, WY Yun, STA Niaki
IIE transactions 43 (7), 525-534, 2011
Two-dimensional warranty cost analysis for second-hand products
M Shafiee, S Chukova, M Saidi-Mehrabad, ST Akhavan Niaki
Communications in statistics-theory and methods 40 (4), 684-701, 2011
A two-dimensional warranty servicing strategy based on reduction in product failure intensity
S Varnosafaderani, S Chukova
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 63 (1), 201-213, 2012
Optimal upgrade strategy, warranty policy and sale price for second‐hand products
M Shafiee, S Chukova
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 29 (2), 157-169, 2013
On distributions having the almost-lack-of-memory property
S Chukova, B Dimitrov
Journal of Applied Probability 29 (3), 691-698, 1992
On two types of warranties: Warranty of malfunctioning and warranty of misinforming
D Christozov, S Chukova, P Mateev
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 26 (03), 399-420, 2009
Probability distributions in periodic random environment and their applications
B Dimitrov, D Green Jr, S Chukova
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 57 (2), 501-517, 1997
An optimal age–usage maintenance strategy containing a failure penalty for application to railway tracks
M Shafiee, M Patriksson, S Chukova
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2016
Characterization of the Pólya-Aeppli process
S Chukova, LD Minkova
Stochastic Analysis and Applications 31 (4), 590-599, 2013
Synthetic minority oversampling using edited displacement-based k-nearest neighbors
AX Wang, SS Chukova, BP Nguyen
Applied Soft Computing 148, 110895, 2023
Warranty cost analysis: renewing warranty with non-zero repair time
S Chukova, Y Hayakawa
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 11 (02 …, 2004
On optimal replacement-repair policy for multi-state deteriorating products under renewing free replacement warranty
H Vahdani, S Chukova, H Mahlooji
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 61 (4), 840-850, 2011
Warranty cost analysis: quasi‐renewal inter‐repair times
S Chukova, Y Hayakawa
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 22 (7), 687-698, 2005
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