Sergio Valencia
Sergio Valencia
Docente. Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria
Adresã de e-mail confirmatã pe tdea.edu.co - Pagina de pornire
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Study of the bandgap of synthesized titanium dioxide nanoparticules using the sol-gel method and a hydrothermal treatment
S Valencia, JM Marín, G Restrepo
Open Materials Science Journal 4 (1), 9-14, 2010
Application of excitation–emission fluorescence matrices and UV/Vis absorption to monitoring the photocatalytic degradation of commercial humic acid
S Valencia, JM Marín, G Restrepo, FH Frimmel
Science of the Total Environment 442, 207-214, 2013
Evaluation of natural organic matter changes from Lake Hohloh by three-dimensional excitation–emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy during TiO2/UV process
S Valencia, JM Marín, G Restrepo, FH Frimmel
Water research 51, 124-133, 2014
A new kinetic model for heterogeneous photocatalysis with titanium dioxide: case of non-specific adsorption considering back reaction
S Valencia, F Cataño, L Rios, G Restrepo, J Marín
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 104 (3-4), 300-304, 2011
Sol–gel and low-temperature solvothermal synthesis of photoactive nano-titanium dioxide
S Valencia, X Vargas, L Rios, G Restrepo, JM Marín
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 251, 175-181, 2013
Study of pH effects on the evolution of properties of brown-water natural organic matter as revealed by size-exclusion chromatography during photocatalytic degradation
S Valencia, J Marín, J Velásquez, G Restrepo, FH Frimmel
water research 46 (4), 1198-1206, 2012
Characterization and photocatalytic evaluation of polypropylene and polyethylene pellets coated with P25 TiO2 using the controlled-temperature embedding method
J Velásquez, S Valencia, L Rios, G Restrepo, J Marín
Chemical engineering journal 203, 398-405, 2012
A comparative study between TiO2 and ZnO photocatalysis: photocatalytic degradation of cibacron yellow FN-2R dye
FA Cataño, SH Valencia, EA Hincapié, GM Restrepo, JM Marín
Latin American applied research 42 (1), 33-38, 2012
Evaluations of the TiO2/simulated solar UV degradations of XAD fractions of natural organic matter from a bog lake using size-exclusion chromatography
S Valencia, JM Marín, G Restrepo, FH Frimmel
Water research 47 (14), 5130-5138, 2013
Efecto del pH en la degradación fotocatalítica de materia orgánica natural
SH Valencia, JM Marín, GM Restrepo
Información tecnológica 22 (5), 57-66, 2011
Evolution of natural organic matter by size exclusion chromatography during photocatalytic degradation by solvothermal-synthesized titanium dioxide
SH Valencia, JM Marín, GM Restrepo
Journal of hazardous materials 213, 318-324, 2012
Photocatalytic degradation of humic acids with titanium dioxide embedded into polyethylene pellets to enhance the postrecovery of catalyst
S Valencia, J Marín, G Restrepo
Environmental Engineering Science 35 (3), 185-193, 2018
Study of the Bandgap of Synthesized Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Using the Sol-Gel Method and a Hydrothermal Treatment. The Open Materials Science Journal, 4, 9-14
S Valencia, JM Marín, G Restrepo
doi. org/10.2174/1874 088x 100 (4010), 009, 2010
Dry-co-grinding of doped TiO2 with nitrogen, silicon or selenium for enhanced photocatalytic activity under UV/visible and visible light irradiation for environmental applications
L Galeano, S Valencia, G Restrepo, JM Marín
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 91, 47-57, 2019
Method for trihalomethane analysis in drinking water by solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry detection
S Valencia, J Marín, G Restrepo
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 13 (2), 499-506, 2013
La hidrogenacion selectiva de aceites naturales a traves de catalizadores heterogeneos
LA RIOS, GM RESTREPO, SH Valencia, A Franco, DA Echeverri
Scientia et technica 2 (31), 2006
Use of low frequency ultrasound for water treatment: Data on azithromycin removal
A Muñoz-Calderón, H Zúñiga-Benítez, SH Valencia, A Rubio-Clemente, ...
Data in Brief 31, 105947, 2020
Remoción de níquel y DQO presentes en las aguas residuales de la industria automotriz mediante electrocoagulación
ID Mercado Martínez, G González Silva, SGIHM valencIa HurtaDo
Revista Eia, 13-21, 2013
Optimización del método de microextracción en fase sólida acoplada a cromatografía gaseosa para análisis de metanol en agua
F Granda, S Valencia, JM Marín, G Restrepo
Revista Colombiana de Química 40 (2), 201-210, 2011
Evaluation of photocatalytic degradation of a commercial humic acid in water using a simulated solar UV irradiation and monitoring the changes by size exclusion chromatography
S Valencia, J Marín, G Restrepo, FH Frimmel
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 11 (6), 692-698, 2011
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