Dale Eesley
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Cited by
Improvising firms: bricolage, account giving and improvisational competencies in the founding process
T Baker, AS Miner, DT Eesley
Research Policy 32 (2), 255-276, 2003
Gateways to Intrapreneurship.
DT Eesley, CO Longenecker
Industrial Management 48 (1), 2006
The magic beanstalk vision of university venture formation
AS Miner, DT Eesley, M DeVaughn, T Rura
The Entrepreneurship Dynamic: Origins of Entrepreneurship and its Role in …, 2001
Grassroots innovation and entrepreneurial success: Is entrepreneurial orientation a missing link?
SH Singh, B Bhowmick, D Eesley, B Sindhav
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 164, 119582, 2021
Examining and reconciling identity issues among artist-entrepreneurs
EB IvanaMilosevicDaleEesley
Creating cultural capital: Cultural entrepreneurship in theory, pedagogy and …, 2015
Startup responses to unexpected events: The impact of the relative presence of improvisation
J O’Toole, Y Gong, T Baker, DT Eesley, AS Miner
Organization Studies 42 (11), 1741-1765, 2021
Fake it until you make it: improvisation and new ventures
T Baker, AS Miner, DT Eesley
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Babson College, Wellesley, MA, 2001
Perceptions of supervisor competence, perceived employee mobility, and abusive supervision: Human capital and personnel investments as means for reducing maltreatment in the …
P Meglich, S Valentine, D Eesley
Personnel Review 48 (3), 691-706, 2019
Determinants of grassroots innovation: an empirical study in the Indian context
SH Singh, B Bhowmick, B Sindhav, D Eesley
Innovation 22 (3), 270-289, 2020
Empirical evidence of abusive supervision in entrepreneurial and small firms
DT Eesley, PA Meglich
Journal of Ethics & Entrepreneurship 3 (1), 39-59, 2013
A" bully" In Its Own China Shop: Risk Factors For Abusive Supervision In Small Firms
PA Meglich, DT Eesley
International Journal of Business and Social Science 2 (19), 2011
The magic beanstalk vision
AS Miner, DT Eesley, M Devaughn, T Rura-Polley
The Entrepreneurship Dynamic, 109-146, 2001
Investigating the role of ICT intervention in grassroots innovation using structural equation modelling approach
S Singh, B Sindhav, D Eesley, B Bhowmick
Sādhanā 43, 1-13, 2018
Eesley, 2003 Baker, T., Miner, AS, & Eesley, DT (2003)
M Baker
Improvising firms: Bricolage, account giving and improvisational …, 0
Mavenness and salespeople success: An empirical investigation
DT Eesley, PT Adidam
Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR) 28 (5), 903-912, 2012
Improvisation, planning and surprises in new ventures
DT Eesley
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004
Customer development-product development dilemmas in startup firms: a qualitative investigation into founder's involvement
DT Eesley, Y Sharma, R Singh, B Sindhav
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 25 (3), 455-476, 2023
Satisfaction with innovation training processes and outcomes: a field study across two cultures
DT Eesley, RO Briggs
International Journal of Training Research 17 (3), 274-289, 2019
Simplified Method For Teaching Cash Flow Statement Construction To Entrepreneurship And Non-Accounting Majors
DT Eesley
Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Technology 14 (1), 3, 2013
Responses to organizational surprises in startups: The impact of improvisation and memory on response outcomes
Y Gong, T Baker, D Eesley, AS Miner
West Coast Research Symposium on Technology Entrepreneurship. Seattle, WA, 2008
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Articles 1–20