Economie politică I Ignat, I Pohoaţă, G Luţac, GC Pascariu Editura Economică, 2002 | 73* | 2002 |
Filosofia economică şi politica dezvoltării durabile I Pohoaţă Editura Economică, 2003 | 63* | 2003 |
Repere în economia instituţională I Pohoaţă Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2009 | 40* | 2009 |
Moneda, creditul bancar și ciclurile economice JH De Soto Iasi: Editura Universității” Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, Institutul Ludwig …, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
Epistemologia şi metodologie în ştiinţa economică I Pohoaţă Editura Economică, 2011 | 39* | 2011 |
Capitalismul: itinerare economice I Pohoaţă Polirom, 2000 | 36* | 2000 |
Strategies and policies for sustainable development / Strategii si politici europene de dezvoltare durabila P Ion University" Alexandru Ioan Cuza"-Science, Center, 0 | 36* | |
Doctrine economice universale. Predecesori si fondatori I Pohoață Editura Fundatiei" Gh. Zane", 1995 | 33* | 1995 |
Capital uman, capital social şi creştere economică CC Popescu, I Pohoaţă, L Diaconu Editura Universităţii" Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2007 | 22* | 2007 |
The sustainable development theory: A critical approach, Volume 1: The discourse of the founders I Pohoață, DE Diaconaşu, VM Crupenschi Springer Nature, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
The economic impact of religious tourism on the North East region of Romania I Pohoaţă, O Socoliuc, I Bostan European Journal of Science and Theology 9 (2), 195-204, 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
The market economy in transition and the accuracy of the economic results. Is the economic growth of Romania in the last years a real one?(second part) I Pohoată, C Popescu Economia Aziendale Online, 93-100, 2008 | 18* | 2008 |
Equity, intra/inter-generation equalization and profit, in the context of the right to a healthy life and a clean environment I Pohoata, I Bostan, G Prelipceanu, D Drugus, A Morariu, O Bunget Revista Romana de Bioetica 12 (2), 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
The new economic geography and regional policy in Romania. RI Clipa, I PohoAţă, F Clipa Theoretical & Applied Economics 19 (8), 2012 | 14* | 2012 |
Informal value transfer system–Hawala I Pohoață, I Caunic Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2008 | 14 | 2008 |
Paradigme de gândire: introducere în epistemologia economică I Pohoaţă Editura Universităţii" Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 1994 | 14* | 1994 |
Doctrine economice universale: contemporani I Pohoaţă Fundaţia" Gh. Zane", 1993 | 14* | 1993 |
State control over commercial transactions with goods from precious metals I Bostan, I Pohoata, C Lazar Metalurgija 52 (4), 553-556, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
The Sustainable Development Theory: A Critical Approach, Volume 2: When Certainties Become Doubts I Pohoaţă, DE Diaconaşu, VM Crupenschi Springer Nature, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Religion as a major institution in the emergence and expansion of modern capitalism. From Protestant political doctrines to enlightened reform AP Plopeanu, I Pohoata Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (43), 125-143, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |