A model of (often mixed) stereotype content: Competence and warmth respectively follow from perceived status and competition ST Fiske, AJC Cuddy, P Glick, J Xu Social cognition, 162-214, 2018 | 10829 | 2018 |
The ambivalent sexism inventory: Differentiating hostile and benevolent sexism P Glick, ST Fiske Social cognition, 116-160, 2018 | 8035 | 2018 |
Universal dimensions of social cognition: Warmth and competence ST Fiske, AJC Cuddy, P Glick Trends in cognitive sciences 11 (2), 77-83, 2007 | 5886 | 2007 |
Warmth and competence as universal dimensions of social perception: The stereotype content model and the BIAS map AJC Cuddy, ST Fiske, P Glick Advances in experimental social psychology 40, 61-149, 2008 | 3358 | 2008 |
An ambivalent alliance: Hostile and benevolent sexism as complementary justifications for gender inequality. P Glick, ST Fiske American psychologist 56 (2), 109, 2001 | 3204 | 2001 |
The BIAS map: behaviors from intergroup affect and stereotypes. AJC Cuddy, ST Fiske, P Glick Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (4), 631, 2007 | 2926 | 2007 |
Prescriptive gender stereotypes and backlash toward agentic women LA Rudman, P Glick Journal of social issues 57 (4), 743-762, 2001 | 2917 | 2001 |
Beyond prejudice as simple antipathy: hostile and benevolent sexism across cultures. P Glick, ST Fiske, A Mladinic, JL Saiz, D Abrams, B Masser, B Adetoun, ... Journal of personality and social psychology 79 (5), 763, 2000 | 1983 | 2000 |
Hostile and benevolent sexism: Measuring ambivalent sexist attitudes toward women P Glick, ST Fiske Psychology of women quarterly 21 (1), 119-135, 1997 | 1665 | 1997 |
When professionals become mothers, warmth doesn't cut the ice AJC Cuddy, ST Fiske, P Glick Journal of Social issues 60 (4), 701-718, 2004 | 1489 | 2004 |
Feminized management and backlash toward agentic women: the hidden costs to women of a kinder, gentler image of middle managers. LA Rudman, P Glick Journal of personality and social psychology 77 (5), 1004, 1999 | 1452 | 1999 |
Stereotype content model across cultures: Towards universal similarities and some differences AJC Cuddy, ST Fiske, VSY Kwan, P Glick, S Demoulin, JP Leyens, ... British journal of social psychology 48 (1), 1-33, 2009 | 1424 | 2009 |
(Dis) respecting versus (dis) liking: Status and interdependence predict ambivalent stereotypes of competence and warmth ST Fiske, J Xu, AC Cuddy, P Glick Journal of social issues 55 (3), 473-489, 1999 | 1404 | 1999 |
Prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination: Theoretical and empirical overview JF Dovidio The SAGE handbook of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination/SAGE, 2010 | 1061 | 2010 |
The social psychology of gender: How power and intimacy shape gender relations LA Rudman, P Glick Guilford Publications, 2021 | 951 | 2021 |
The dynamics of warmth and competence judgments, and their outcomes in organizations AJC Cuddy, P Glick, A Beninger Research in organizational behavior 31, 73-98, 2011 | 911 | 2011 |
On the nature of prejudice: Fifty years after Allport JF Dovidio, P Glick, LA Rudman John Wiley & Sons, 2008 | 893 | 2008 |
Sexismo ambivalente: medición y correlatos F Expósito, MC Moya, P Glick Revista de Psicología social 13 (2), 159-169, 1998 | 869 | 1998 |
Ambivalent sexism P Glick, ST Fiske Advances in experimental social psychology 33, 115-188, 2001 | 809 | 2001 |
The ambivalence toward men inventory: Differentiating hostile and benevolent beliefs about men P Glick, ST Fiske Psychology of women quarterly 23 (3), 519-536, 1999 | 777 | 1999 |