Ignat Sonia
Ignat Sonia
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A preliminary investigation of the technology acceptance model (TAM) in early childhood education and care
D Rad, A Egerau, A Roman, T Dughi, E Balas, R Maier, S Ignat, G Rad
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 13 (1 …, 2022
Pathways to inclusive and equitable quality early childhood education for achieving SDG4 goal—a scoping review
D Rad, A Redeș, A Roman, S Ignat, R Lile, E Demeter, A Egerău, T Dughi, ...
Frontiers in psychology 13, 955833, 2022
A radial basis function neural network approach to predict preschool teachers’ technology acceptance behavior
D Rad, GC Magulod Jr, E Balas, A Roman, A Egerau, R Maier, S Ignat, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 880753, 2022
Perspectives of Consent Silence in Cyberbullying.
D Rad, T Dughi, A Roman, S Ignat
Postmodern Openings/Deschideri Postmoderne 10 (2), 2019
A Predictive Model of Youth Bystanders' Helping Attitudes.
D Rad, E Balas, S Ignat, G Rad, D Dixon
Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education/Revista Românească pentru …, 2020
Conceptual applicant screening model with fuzzy logic in industrial organizational contexts
D Balas-Timar, S Ignat
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 203, 257-263, 2015
& Rad, G.(2022). Pathways to inclusive and equitable quality early childhood education for achieving SDG4 goal—a scoping review
D Rad, A Redeș, A Roman, S Ignat, R Lile, E Demeter
Frontiers in Psychology 4306, 0
The mediation role of an individual’s and couple’s psychological factors, including parenting in the prediction of relational and marital satisfaction
R Chiș, S Ignat, D Rad, I Macsinga
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (17), 11011, 2022
The use of theory of planned behavior to systemically study the integrative-qualitative intentional behavior in Romanian preschool education with network analysis
D Rad, A Redeș, A Roman, A Egerău, R Lile, E Demeter, T Dughi, S Ignat, ...
Frontiers in psychology 13, 1017011, 2023
Digitization of Everything, the world of 0s and 1s, emerging trends in psychological assessment
RAD Dana, E Demeter, S Ignat, G Rad
Agora Psycho-Pragmatica 14 (1), 2020
Perspectives of consent silence in cyberbullying. Postmodern Openings, 10 (2), 57-73
DT Rad, T Dughi, A Roman, S Ignat
Psihopedagogia copiilor cu handicap de vedere
OD Moldovan, D Bălaș-Timar
Editura Universității" Aurel Vlaicu", 2006
Interplaying Factors of Students Personal Characteristics in Online Learning Modality: Evidence in Asian Context
M Iqbal, JP Shet, MY Alsaraireh, D Rad, S Ignat, RM Hernández, ...
World Journal of English Language 12 (2), 392-404, 2022
Theorizing a technology acceptance model in ECEC in Romanian preschool teachers
RAD Dana, RAD Gavril, R Maier, S Ignat
Agora Psycho-Pragmatica 15 (1), 2022
The dynamic relationship between perceived parental support and online bullying
D Bălaș-Timar
Educația Plus 18 (2), 261-268, 2017
Predictors of lack of emotional awareness in emotional regulation of youth facing online hate speech
RAD Dana, G Kelemen, A Egerau, A Roman, T Dughi, E Demeter, S Ignat
Agora Psycho-Pragmatica 14 (1), 2020
Regulation difficulty in cyberbullying incidents
D Rad
Educația Plus 25 (2), 70-75, 2019
Influence of family education on the mental development of the child
Educația Plus 13 (2), 236-243, 2015
The mediating role of social media context awareness on the relationship between autonomy need frustration and behavioral disengagement as coping mechanism
D Rad, T Dughi, S Ignat, G Rad
Rethinking Applied Psychology: Research Paradigms vs. Practical Approaches …, 2021
The Influence of Educational Level on Self-efficacy, Introversion, and Agreeableness: an Interpersonal Difference Analysis
R Chiș, S Ignat, R Roman, E Demeter, S Chiș, D Rad, F Arion
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala 16 (2), 569-580, 2024
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