cheng guo
Cited by
Cited by
Chaotic maps-based password-authenticated key agreement using smart cards
C Guo, CC Chang
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 (6), 1433-1440, 2013
Fine-grained database field search using attribute-based encryption for e-healthcare clouds
C Guo, R Zhuang, Y Jie, Y Ren, T Wu, KKR Choo
Journal of medical systems 40, 1-8, 2016
A hierarchical threshold secret image sharing
C Guo, CC Chang, C Qin
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (1), 83-91, 2012
Dynamic multi-phrase ranked search over encrypted data with symmetric searchable encryption
C Guo, X Chen, Y Jie, Z Fu, M Li, B Feng
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 13 (6), 1034-1044, 2017
A reliable IoT edge computing trust management mechanism for smart cities
B Wang, M Li, X Jin, C Guo
IEEE Access 8, 46373-46399, 2020
Enabling privacy-assured fog-based data aggregation in E-healthcare systems
C Guo, P Tian, KKR Choo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (3), 1948-1957, 2020
Key-aggregate authentication cryptosystem for data sharing in dynamic cloud storage
C Guo, N Luo, MZA Bhuiyan, Y Jie, Y Chen, B Feng, M Alam
Future Generation Computer Systems 84, 190-199, 2018
Game-theoretic resource allocation for fog-based industrial internet of things environment
Y Jie, C Guo, KKR Choo, CZ Liu, M Li
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (4), 3041-3052, 2020
A new data hiding scheme based on DNA sequence
C Guo, CC Chang, ZH Wang
Int. J. Innov. Comput. Inf. Control 8 (1), 139-149, 2012
Root-applied silicon in the early bud stage increases the rapeseed yield and optimizes the mechanical harvesting characteristics
J Kuai, Y Sun, C Guo, L Zhao, Q Zuo, J Wu, G Zhou
Field Crops Research 200, 88-97, 2017
A new prediction model of infectious diseases with vaccination strategies based on evolutionary game theory
Q Li, MC Li, L Lv, C Guo, K Lu
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 104, 51-60, 2017
A multi-threshold secret image sharing scheme based on MSP
C Guo, CC Chang, C Qin
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (12), 1594-1600, 2012
An authenticated group key distribution protocol based on the generalized Chinese remainder theorem
C Guo, CC Chang
International Journal of Communication Systems 27 (1), 126-134, 2014
A novel semi-fragile digital watermarking scheme for scrambled image authentication and restoration
B Feng, X Li, Y Jie, C Guo, H Fu
Mobile Networks and Applications 25, 82-94, 2020
Online task scheduling for edge computing based on repeated Stackelberg game
Y Jie, X Tang, KKR Choo, S Su, M Li, C Guo
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 122, 159-172, 2018
Secure range search over encrypted uncertain IoT outsourced data
C Guo, R Zhuang, Y Jie, KKR Choo, X Tang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (2), 1520-1529, 2018
A fast nearest neighbor search scheme over outsourced encrypted medical images
C Guo, S Su, KKR Choo, X Tang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (1), 514-523, 2018
Dynamic data integrity auditing method supporting privacy protection in vehicular cloud environment
B Shao, G Bian, Y Wang, S Su, C Guo
IEEE Access 6, 43785-43797, 2018
An efficient protocol with bidirectional verification for storage security in cloud computing
B Feng, X Ma, C Guo, H Shi, Z Fu, T Qiu
IEEE Access 4, 7899-7911, 2016
A secure and trustworthy medical record sharing scheme based on searchable encryption and blockchain
X Tang, C Guo, KKR Choo, Y Liu, L Li
Computer Networks 200, 108540, 2021
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Articles 1–20