Heiko Rölke
Heiko Rölke
FH Graubünden, Chur, Switzerland
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The time on task effect in reading and problem solving is moderated by task difficulty and skill: insights from a computer-based large-scale assessment.
F Goldhammer, J Naumann, A Stelter, K Tóth, H Rölke, E Klieme
Journal of Educational Psychology 106 (3), 608, 2014
An Extensible Editor and Simulation Engine for Petri Nets: Renew
O Kummer, F Wienberg, M Duvigneau, J Schumacher, M Köhler, D Moldt, ...
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2004: 25th International Conference …, 2004
Renew–the reference net workshop
O Kummer, F Wienberg, M Duvigneau, M Köhler, D Moldt, H Rölke
Tool demonstrations, 21st international conference on application and theory …, 2000
Modelling the structure and behaviour of Petri net agents
M Köhler, D Moldt, H Rölke
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2001: 22nd International Conference …, 2001
Modelling mobility and mobile agents using nets within nets
M Köhler, D Moldt, H Rölke
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2003: 24th International Conference …, 2003
Concurrent architecture for a multi-agent platform
M Duvigneau, D Moldt, H Rölke
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering III: Third International Workshop, AOSE …, 2003
Modeling dynamic architectures using nets-within-nets
L Cabac, M Duvigneau, D Moldt, H Rölke
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2005: 26th International Conference …, 2005
Properties of object Petri nets
M Köhler, H Rölke
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2004: 25th International Conference …, 2004
Modellierung von Agenten und Multiagentensystemen: Grundlagen und Anwendungen
H Rölke
Logos-Verlag, 2004
A proposal for structuring Petri net-based agent interaction protocols
L Cabac, D Moldt, H Rölke
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2003: 24th International Conference …, 2003
The ItemBuilder: A graphical authoring system for complex item development
H Rölke
E-Learn: World conference on e-learning in corporate, government, healthcare …, 2012
Relating product data to process data from computer-based competency assessment
F Goldhammer, J Naumann, H Rölke, A Stelter, K Tóth
Competence assessment in education: Research, models and instruments, 407-425, 2017
Concurrency in mobile object net systems
M Köhler, H Rölke
Fundamenta Informaticae 54 (2-3), 221-235, 2003
Educational process mining: New possibilities for understanding students' problem-solving skills
K Tóth, H Rölke, F Goldhammer, I Barkow
OECD, 2017
Pattern based workflow design using Reference nets
A ter Hofstede, D Moldt, H Rölke
Business Process Management: International Conference, BPM 2003 Eindhoven …, 2003
Reference and value semantics are equivalent for ordinary object Petri nets
M Köhler, H Rölke
International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, 309-328, 2005
Erfolgreiches Problemlösen in technologiebasierten Umgebungen: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Interaktionsschritten und Aufgabenanforderungen
J Naumann, F Goldhammer, H Rölke, A Stelter
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 2014
Socionic multi-agent systems based on reflexive petri nets and theories of social self-organisation
M Köhler, R Langer, R Von Lüde, D Moldt, H Rölke, R Valk
Journal of artificial societies and social simulation 10 (1), 2007
Analysis of multi-agent interactions with process mining techniques
L Cabac, N Knaak, D Moldt, H Rölke
Multiagent System Technologies: 4th German Conference, MATES 2006 Erfurt …, 2006
Dynamic transition refinement
M Köhler, H Rölke
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 175 (2), 119-134, 2007
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Articles 1–20