Andrew J. Cooper
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Cited by
A psychometric analysis of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Short Form (TEIQue–SF) using item response theory
A Cooper, KV Petrides
Journal of personality assessment 92 (5), 449-457, 2010
Impulsivity-related personality traits and adolescent alcohol use: A meta-analytic review
K Stautz, A Cooper
Clinical psychology review 33 (4), 574-592, 2013
The reinforcement sensitivity theory of personality questionnaire (RST-PQ): development and validation.
PJ Corr, AJ Cooper
Psychological assessment 28 (11), 1427, 2016
Impaired flexible decision-making in major depressive disorder
M Cella, S Dymond, A Cooper
Journal of affective disorders 124 (1-2), 207-210, 2010
A confirmatory factor analysis of the Mini-IPIP five-factor model personality scale
AJ Cooper, LD Smillie, PJ Corr
Personality and Individual Differences 48 (5), 688-691, 2010
The role of empathy and life satisfaction in internet and smartphone use disorder
B Lachmann, C Sindermann, RY Sariyska, R Luo, MC Melchers, B Becker, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 398, 2018
Do extraverts get more bang for the buck? Refining the affective-reactivity hypothesis of extraversion.
LD Smillie, AJ Cooper, J Wilt, W Revelle
Journal of personality and social psychology 103 (2), 306, 2012
Susceptibility to positive and negative mood states: Test of Eysenck’s, Gray’s and Newman’s theories
R Gomez, A Cooper, A Gomez
Personality and Individual Differences 29 (2), 351-365, 2000
The behavioural inhibition system and behavioural approach system (BIS/BAS) scales: Measurement and structural invariance across adults and adolescents
A Cooper, R Gomez, H Aucote
Personality and individual differences 43 (2), 295-305, 2007
Neuroticism and extraversion as predictors of negative and positive emotional information processing: comparing Eysenck's, Gray's, and Newman's theories
R Gomez, A Gomez, A Cooper
European journal of personality 16 (5), 333-350, 2002
Impulsivity related personality traits and cigarette smoking in adults: A meta-analysis using the UPPS-P model of impulsivity and reward sensitivity
D Kale, K Stautz, A Cooper
Drug and alcohol dependence 185, 149-167, 2018
A new measure for the revised reinforcement sensitivity theory: Psychometric criteria and genetic validation
M Reuter, AJ Cooper, LD Smillie, S Markett, C Montag
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 9, 38, 2015
Effects of decision-phase time constraints on emotion-based learning in the Iowa Gambling Task
M Cella, S Dymond, A Cooper, O Turnbull
Brain and cognition 64 (2), 164-169, 2007
Life satisfaction and problematic Internet use: Evidence for gender specific effects
B Lachmann, R Sariyska, C Kannen, A Cooper, C Montag
Psychiatry research 238, 363-367, 2016
A short review on susceptibility to falling for fake political news
C Sindermann, A Cooper, C Montag
Current Opinion in Psychology 36, 44-48, 2020
Individual differences in reward–prediction–error: Extraversion and feedback-related negativity
LD Smillie, AJ Cooper, AD Pickering
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 6 (5), 646-652, 2011
Variation in DRD2 dopamine gene predicts extraverted personality
LD Smillie, AJ Cooper, P Proitsi, JF Powell, AD Pickering
Neuroscience Letters 468 (3), 234-237, 2010
Individual differences in reward prediction error: contrasting relations between feedback-related negativity and trait measures of reward sensitivity, impulsivity and extraversion
AJ Cooper, É Duke, AD Pickering, LD Smillie
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 248, 2014
The development of a short form of the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire
A Cooper, R Gomez
Journal of Individual Differences 29 (2), 90-104, 2008
The relationships between the BIS and BAS, anger and responses to anger
A Cooper, R Gomez, E Buck
Personality and Individual Differences 44 (2), 403-413, 2008
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Articles 1–20