Vasile Cojocaru
Vasile Cojocaru
Babeș-Bolyai University, Department of Engineering Science
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The influence of the process parameters on the mechanical properties of PLA specimens produced by fused filament fabrication—A review
V Cojocaru, D Frunzaverde, CO Miclosina, G Marginean
Polymers 14 (5), 886, 2022
The influence of the printing temperature and the filament color on the dimensional accuracy, tensile strength, and friction performance of FFF-printed PLA specimens
D Frunzaverde, V Cojocaru, CR Ciubotariu, CO Miclosina, DD Ardeljan, ...
Polymers 14 (10), 1978, 2022
The influence of the layer height and the filament color on the dimensional accuracy and the tensile strength of FDM-printed PLA specimens
D Frunzaverde, V Cojocaru, N Bacescu, CR Ciubotariu, CO Miclosina, ...
Polymers 15 (10), 2377, 2023
Cavitation Erosion Tests Performed by Indirect Vibratory Method on Stainless Steel Welded Samples with Hardened Surface
MD Nedeloni, V Cojocaru, R Ciubotariu, D Nedelcu
Analele Universității "Eftimie Murgu" Reșița, Fascicula Inginerie 19 (1 …, 2012
Influence of welded layers thickness on the cavitation erosion resistance
D Frunzaverde, CV Câmpian, V Cojocaru, G Marginean, M Baran, ...
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Energy, Environment …, 2010
Dynamic simulation of a parallel topology robot operation
CO Miclosina, V Cojocaru, ZI Korka
Applied Mechanics and Materials 762, 107-112, 2015
Failure analysis of a Ti-6Al-4V ultrasonic horn used in cavitation erosion tests
D Nedelcu, V Cojocaru, MD Nedeloni, F Peris-Bendu, A Ghican
Mechanika 21 (4), 272-276, 2015
Analysis of an Outer Bearing Bush of a Hydropower Plant Kaplan Turbine Using Finite Element Method
CO Miclosina, CV Campian, D Frunzaverde, V Cojocaru
Recent Researches in Environment, Energy Planning and Pollution, Proceedings …, 2011
Stress concentration factors for pin lever of runner blade mechanism from Kaplan turbines
AM Pittner, CV Campian, D Nedelcu, D Frunzaverde, V Cojocaru
Proceedings of 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Mechanics …, 2010
Analytical investigation of an inertial propulsion system using rotating masses
A Gerocs, ZI Korka, I Biro, V Cojocaru
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1426 (1), 012031, 2020
Modal-based design optimization of a gearbox housing
ZI KORKA, V Cojocaru, CO Miclosina
Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration 16 (1), 58-65, 2019
Comparative assessment of noise reduction in helical gearboxes
ZI Korka, V Cojocaru, N Gillich, CO Miclosina
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 5 (3), 263-268, 2017
Fatigue Analysis of an Outer Bearing Bush of a Kaplan Turbine
CO Miclosina, CV Campian, D Frunzaverde, V Cojocaru
Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita, Fascicula de Inginerie 18 (1 …, 2011
Cavitation erosion investigations on thermal spray coatings
V Cojocaru, D Frunzaverde, CV Campian, G Marginean, R Ciubotariu, ...
International Conference Proceedings on Engineering Mechanics, Structures …, 2010
Laboratory tests concerning the influence of surface hardening on the cavitation erosion resistance
V Cojocaru, CV Campian, D Frunzaverde, I Ion, A Cuzmos, C Dumbrava
Proceedings of 3rd WSEAS International Conference On Engineering Mechanics …, 2010
Activities in Robotics Domain at „Eftimie Murgu” University of Resita
I Vela, CO Miclosina, DG Vela, V Cojocaru, D Amariei, V Bizau
Robotica & Management 14 (2), 33-35, 2009
Considerations Regarding the Use of Polymers for the Rapid Prototyping of the Hydraulic Turbine Runners Designed for Experimental Research on the Model
D Nedelcu, V Cojocaru, A Ghican, F Peris-Bendu, R Avasiloaie
Materiale Plastice 52 (4), 475-479, 2015
An Experimental Study of the Cutting Forces in Metal Turning
ZI Korka, CO Miclosina, V Cojocaru
Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita, Fascicula Inginerie 20 (2), 25-32, 2013
Influence of the Mesh Parameters on Stresses and Strains in FEM Analysis of a Gear Housing
V Cojocaru, ZI Korka, CO Miclosina
Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita, Fascicula Inginerie 20 (2), 47-52, 2013
On the Behavior of Honeycomb, Grid and Triangular PLA Structures under Symmetric and Asymmetric Bending
V Cojocaru, D Frunzaverde, CO Miclosina
Micromachines 14 (1), 120, 2023
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