Cosima Rughinis
Cosima Rughinis
Department of Sociology, University of Bucharest
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Come closer. Inclusion and exclusion of Roma in present day Romanian society
G Fleck, C Rughinis
Cosima Rughinis, 2008
Roma Inclusion Barometer
G Bădescu, V Grigoraş, C Rughiniş, M Voicu, O Voicu
Bucureşti: Fundaţia pentru o Societate Deschisă, 2007
The forest behind the bar charts: bridging quantitative and qualitative research on Roma/Ţigani in contemporary Romania
C Rughiniş
Patterns of prejudice 44 (4), 337-367, 2010
Social amplification of risk and “probable vaccine damage”: A typology of vaccination beliefs in 28 European countries
SN Vulpe, C Rughiniş
Vaccine 39 (10), 1508-1515, 2021
Constituirea clasei mijlocii în România
M Larionescu, I Mărginean, G Neagu, C Rughiniş
Editura Economică, 2007
Social housing and Roma residents in Romania
AC Rughinis
Policy paper, International Policy Fellowships, Centre for Policy Studies …, 2004
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Profiles of online activity, cyber-crime exposure, and security measures of end-users in European Union
C Rughiniş, R Rughiniş
Computers & Security 43, 111-125, 2014
A touching app voice thinking about ethics of persuasive technology through an analysis of mobile smoking-cessation apps
C Rughiniş, R Rughiniş, Ş Matei
Ethics and Information Technology 17, 295-309, 2015
Digital divides in education. An analysis of the Romanian public discourse on distance and online education during the COVID-19 pandemic
A Hosszu, C Rughiniș
Sociologie Românească 18 (2), 11-39, 2020
The emerging social status of generative AI: vocabularies of ai competence in public discourse
E Bran, C Rughiniş, G Nadoleanu, MG Flaherty
2023 24th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science …, 2023
Quantitative tales of ethnic differentiation: measuring and using Roma/Gypsy ethnicity in statistical analyses
C Rughiniş
Ethnic and Racial Studies 34 (4), 594-619, 2011
A lucky answer to a fair question: conceptual, methodological, and moral implications of including items on human evolution in scientific literacy surveys
C Rughiniş
Science Communication 33 (4), 501-532, 2011
Cu ochii minerului. Reforma mineritului în România (With a Miner’s Eyes: Reforming the Mining Industry in Romania)
M Larionescu, C Rughiniş, SM Rădulescu
Bucharest: Gnosis, 1999
The social bifurcation of reality: Symmetrical construction of knowledge in science-trusting and science-distrusting discourses
C Rughiniş, MG Flaherty
Frontiers in Sociology 7, 782851, 2022
Webcams and social interaction during online classes: Identity work, presentation of self, and well-being
A Hosszu, C Rughiniş, R Rughiniş, D Rosner
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 761427, 2022
Perils of digital intimacy. A classification framework for privacy, security, and safety risks on dating apps
M Stoicescu, C Rughiniş
2021 23rd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science …, 2021
Who theorizes age? The “socio-demographic variables” device and age–period–cohort analysis in the rhetoric of survey research
C Rughiniș, B Humă
Journal of Aging Studies 35, 144-159, 2015
From social netizens to data citizens: Variations of GDPR awareness in 28 European countries
R Rughiniș, C Rughiniș, SN Vulpe, D Rosner
Computer Law & Security Review 42, 105585, 2021
Computer-supported collaborative questioning. Regimes of online sociality on Quora
R Rughiniş, AP Marinescu-Nenciu, Ş Matei, C Rughiş
2014 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 1-6, 2014
Impromptu crowd science and the mystery of the Bechdel-Wallace test movement
C Rughiniş, R Rughiniş, B Humă
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2016
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Articles 1–20