David J. Warren
David J. Warren
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A neural interface for a cortical vision prosthesis
RA Normann, EM Maynard, PJ Rousche, DJ Warren
Vision Research 39 (15), 2577-2587, 1999
Restoring motor control and sensory feedback in people with upper extremity amputations using arrays of 96 microelectrodes implanted in the median and ulnar nerves
TS Davis, HAC Wark, DT Hutchinson, DJ Warren, K O’Neill, T Scheinblum, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 13 (3), 036001, 2016
Restoration of motor control and proprioceptive and cutaneous sensation in humans with prior upper-limb amputation via multiple Utah Slanted Electrode Arrays (USEAs) implanted …
S Wendelken, DM Page, T Davis, HAC Wark, DT Kluger, C Duncan, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 14, 1-17, 2017
The foreign body response to the Utah Slant Electrode Array in the cat sciatic nerve
MB Christensen, SM Pearce, NM Ledbetter, DJ Warren, GA Clark, ...
Acta biomaterialia 10 (11), 4650-4660, 2014
Cortical implants for the blind
RA Normann, EM Maynard, KS Guillory, DJ Warren
Spectrum, IEEE 33 (5), 54-59, 1996
A wireless integrated circuit for 100-channel charge-balanced neural stimulation
BK Thurgood, DJ Warren, NM Ledbetter, GA Clark, RR Harrison
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 3 (6), 405-414, 2009
High-resolution spatio-temporal mapping of visual pathways using multi-electrode arrays
RA Normann, DJ Warren, J Ammermuller, E Fernandez, S Guillory
Vision research 41 (10), 1261-1275, 2001
High-resolution two-dimensional spatial mapping of cat striate cortex using a 100-microelectrode array
DJ Warren, E Fernandez, RA Normann
Neuroscience 105 (1), 19-31, 2001
Multiple factors may influence the performance of a visual prosthesis based on intracortical microstimulation: nonhuman primate behavioural experimentation
K Torab, TS Davis, DJ Warren, PA House, RA Normann, B Greger
Journal of neural engineering 8 (3), 035001, 2011
Using multiple high-count electrode arrays in human median and ulnar nerves to restore sensorimotor function after previous transradial amputation of the hand
GA Clark, S Wendelken, DM Page, T Davis, HAC Wark, RA Normann, ...
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual …, 2014
Recording sensory and motor information from peripheral nerves with Utah Slanted Electrode Arrays
GA Clark, NM Ledbetter, DJ Warren, RR Harrison
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC, 2011 Annual International …, 2011
Electrophysiological mapping of cat primary auditory cortex with multielectrode arrays
SJ Kim, SC Manyam, DJ Warren, RA Normann
Annals of biomedical engineering 34, 300-309, 2006
Deep learning movement intent decoders trained with dataset aggregation for prosthetic limb control
H Dantas, DJ Warren, SM Wendelken, TS Davis, GA Clark, VJ Mathews
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 66 (11), 3192-3203, 2019
Recording and decoding for neural prostheses
DJ Warren, S Kellis, JG Nieveen, SM Wendelken, H Dantas, TS Davis, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 104 (2), 374-391, 2016
Microelectrode array system with integrated reference microelectrodes to reduce detected electrical noise and improve selectivity of activation
GA Clark, DJ Warren, NM Ledbetter, M Lloyd, RA Normann
US Patent 8,359,083, 2013
Acquisition of Neural Action Potentials Using Rapid Multiplexing Directly at the Electrodes
M Sharma, A Gardner, H Strathman, D Warren, J Silver, R Walker
Micromachines 9 (10), 477, 2018
Coordinated, multi-joint, fatigue-resistant feline stance produced with intrafascicular hind limb nerve stimulation
RA Normann, BR Dowden, MA Frankel, AM Wilder, SD Hiatt, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 9 (2), 026019, 2012
Spatially organized spike correlation in cat visual cortex
D Berger, D Warren, R Normann, A Arieli, S Grün
Neurocomputing 70 (10), 2112-2116, 2007
Long term performance of porous platinum coated neural electrodes
M Leber, R Bhandari, J Mize, DJ Warren, MMH Shandhi, F Solzbacher, ...
Biomedical microdevices 19, 1-12, 2017
Acute Monitoring of Genitourinary Function Using Intrafascicular Electrodes: Selective Pudendal Nerve Activity Corresponding to Bladder Filling, Bladder Fullness, and Genital …
KS Mathews, HAC Wark, DJ Warren, MB Christensen, NF Nolta, ...
Urology 84 (3), 722-729, 2014
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Articles 1–20