Frentiu Tiberiu
Frentiu Tiberiu
Prof. dr., „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
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Characterization and assessment of potential environmental risk of tailings stored in seven impoundments in the Aries river basin, Western Romania
E Levei, T Frentiu, M Ponta, C Tanaselia, G Borodi
Chemistry Central Journal 7, 1-14, 2013
New method for mercury determination in microwave digested soil samples based on cold vapor capacitively coupled plasma microtorch optical emission spectrometry: comparison …
T Frentiu, AI Mihaltan, M Senila, E Darvasi, M Ponta, M Frentiu, ...
Microchemical Journal 110, 545-552, 2013
Simultaneous determination of As and Sb in soil using hydride generation capacitively coupled plasma microtorch optical emission spectrometry–comparison with inductively …
T Frentiu, S Butaciu, M Ponta, E Darvasi, M Senila, D Petreus, M Frentiu
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 29 (10), 1880-1888, 2014
Characterisation of soil quality and mobility of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the Baia Mare area Northwest Romania following the historical pollution
E Levei, T Frentiu, M Ponta, M Senila, M Miclean, C Roman, E Cordos
International Journal of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry 89 (8-12 …, 2009
Characterization of the rivers system in the mining and industrial area of Baia Mare, Romania.
E Cordos, R Rautiu, C Roman, M Ponta, T Frentiu, A Sarkany, ...
European Journal of Mineral Processing & Environmental Protection 3 (3), 2003
Hydroxyapatite for removal of heavy metals from wastewater
A Avram, T Frentiu, O Horovitz, A Mocanu, F Goga, M Tomoaia-Cotisel
Studia Ubb Chemia 4, 93-104, 2017
Determination, speciation and distribution of mercury in soil in the surroundings of a former chlor-alkali plant: assessment of sequential extraction procedure and analytical …
T Frentiu, BP Pintican, S Butaciu, AI Mihaltan, M Ponta, M Frentiu
Chemistry Central Journal 7, 1-14, 2013
Arsenic and antimony determination in non-and biodegradable materials by hydride generation capacitively coupled plasma microtorch optical emission spectrometry
AI Mihaltan, T Frentiu, M Ponta, D Petreus, M Frentiu, E Darvasi, ...
Talanta 109, 84-90, 2013
Mercury determination in non-and biodegradable materials by cold vapor capacitively coupled plasma microtorch atomic emission spectrometry
T Frentiu, AI Mihaltan, M Ponta, E Darvasi, M Frentiu, E Cordos
Journal of hazardous materials 193, 65-69, 2011
Low power capacitively coupled plasma microtorch for simultaneous multielemental determination by atomic emission using microspectrometers
T Frentiu, D Petreus, M Senila, AI Mihaltan, E Darvasi, M Ponta, E Plaian, ...
Microchemical Journal 97 (2), 188-195, 2011
Study of partitioning and dynamics of metals in contaminated soil using modified four-step BCR sequential extraction procedure
T Frentiu, M Ponta, E Levei, EA Cordos
Chemical Papers 63, 239-248, 2009
Distribution study of inorganic arsenic (III) and (V) species in soil and their mobility in the area of Baia-Mare, Romania
EA Cordos, T Frentiua, M Pontaa, loan Marginean, B Abrahamb, ...
Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 18 (1), 11-25, 2006
Atmospheric pressure capacitively coupled plasma source for the direct analysis of non-conductive solid samples
SD Anghel, T Frentiu, EA Cordos, A Simon, A Popescu
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 14 (4), 541-545, 1999
Methylmercury determination in seafood by photochemical vapor generation capacitively coupled plasma microtorch optical emission spectrometry
E Covaci, M Senila, M Ponta, E Darvasi, D Petreus, M Frentiu, T Frentiu
Talanta 170, 464-472, 2017
Evaluation of soil pollution with copper, lead, zinc and cadmium in the mining area Baia Mare
E Cordos, C Roman, M Ponta, T Frentiu, R Rautiu
Use of sequential extraction to assess metal fractionation in soils from Bozanta Mare, Romania
EA Konradi, T Frentiu, M Ponta, E Cordos
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Seria F Chemia 8 (2), 5-12, 2005
Eco-scale non-chromatographic method for mercury speciation in fish using formic acid extraction and UV–Vis photochemical vapor generation capacitively coupled plasma …
E Covaci, SB Angyus, M Senila, M Ponta, E Darvasi, M Frentiu, T Frentiu
Microchemical Journal 141, 155-162, 2018
Analytical characterization of a method for mercury determination in food using cold vapour capacitively coupled plasma microtorch optical emission spectrometry–compliance with …
T Frentiu, S Butaciu, E Darvasi, M Ponta, M Senila, D Petreus, M Frentiu
Analytical Methods 7 (2), 747-752, 2015
A novel analytical system with a capacitively coupled plasma microtorch and a gold filament microcollector for the determination of total Hg in water by cold vapour atomic …
T Frentiu, AI Mihaltan, E Darvasi, M Ponta, C Roman, M Frentiu
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 27 (10), 1753-1760, 2012
Validation of the Tessier scheme for speciation of metals in soil using the Bland and Altman test
T Frentiu, M Ponta, E Levei, E Gheorghiu, I Kasler, E Cordos
Chemical Papers 62 (1), 114-122, 2008
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