Michael Thoennessen
Michael Thoennessen
Professor of Physics, Michigan State University
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New region of deformation: The neutron-rich sulfur isotopes
H Scheit, T Glasmacher, BA Brown, JA Brown, PD Cottle, PG Hansen, ...
Physical review letters 77 (19), 3967, 1996
Fission time scales from giant dipole resonances
P Paul, M Thoennessen
Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 1994
One-Neutron Halo of C
D Bazin, BA Brown, J Brown, M Fauerbach, M Hellström, SE Hirzebruch, ...
Physical review letters 74 (18), 3569, 1995
Evidence for a doubly magic 24O
CR Hoffman, T Baumann, D Bazin, J Brown, G Christian, DH Denby, ...
Physics Letters B 672 (1), 17-21, 2009
Quadrupole Collectivity in 3 2, 3 4, 3 6, 3 8 Si and the N= 20 Shell Closure
RW Ibbotson, T Glasmacher, BA Brown, L Chen, MJ Chromik, PD Cottle, ...
Physical review letters 80 (10), 2081, 1998
Discovery of 40Mg and 42Al suggests neutron drip-line slant towards heavier isotopes
T Baumann, AM Amthor, D Bazin, BA Brown, CMF III, A Gade, TN Ginter, ...
Nature 449 (7165), 1022-1024, 2007
Reaching the limits of nuclear stability
M Thoennessen
Reports on Progress in Physics 67 (7), 1187, 2004
Momentum distributions of Li 9 fragments following the breakup of Li 11
NA Orr, N Anantaraman, SM Austin, CA Bertulani, K Hanold, JH Kelley, ...
Physical review letters 69 (14), 2050, 1992
Two-Proton Emission from the Ground State of O 12
RA Kryger, A Azhari, M Hellström, JH Kelley, T Kubo, R Pfaff, ...
Physical review letters 74 (6), 860, 1995
Determination of the Shell Closure at the Oxygen Drip Line
CR Hoffman, T Baumann, D Bazin, J Brown, G Christian, PA DeYoung, ...
Physical review letters 100 (15), 152502, 2008
Giant resonances in excited Sn isotopes
DR Chakrabarty, S Sen, M Thoennessen, N Alamanos, P Paul, ...
Physical Review C 36 (5), 1886, 1987
First Observation of Ground State Dineutron Decay:
A Spyrou, Z Kohley, T Baumann, D Bazin, BA Brown, G Christian, ...
Physical review letters 108 (10), 102501, 2012
Population of 10 Li by fragmentation
M Thoennessen, S Yokoyama, A Azhari, T Baumann, JA Brown, ...
Physical Review C 59 (1), 111, 1999
Low-lying structure of Li 10 in the reaction B 11 (7 Li, 8 B) 10 Li
BM Young, W Benenson, JH Kelley, NA Orr, R Pfaff, BM Sherrill, M Steiner, ...
Physical Review C 49 (1), 279, 1994
Threshold for dissipative fission
M Thoennessen, GF Bertsch
Physical review letters 71 (26), 4303, 1993
Parallel momentum distributions as a probe of halo wave functions
JH Kelley, SM Austin, RA Kryger, DJ Morrissey, NA Orr, BM Sherrill, ...
Physical review letters 74 (1), 30, 1995
Neutron decay of Li 10 produced by fragmentation
RA Kryger, A Azhari, A Galonsky, JH Kelley, R Pfaff, E Ramakrishnan, ...
Physical Review C 47 (6), R2439, 1993
Evidence for the Ground-State Resonance of
E Lunderberg, PA DeYoung, Z Kohley, H Attanayake, T Baumann, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (14), 142503, 2012
Time scales for fusion-fission and quasifission from giant dipole resonance decay
R Butsch, DJ Hofman, CP Montoya, P Paul, M Thoennessen
Physical Review C 44 (4), 1515, 1991
Giant dipole resonance in highly excited Thorium: Evidence for strong fission hindrance
M Thoennessen, DR Chakrabarty, MG Herman, R Butsch, P Paul
Physical review letters 59 (25), 2860, 1987
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