Ilinca Nastase
Ilinca Nastase
CAMBI Research Center, Technical University of Civil Engineering in Bucharest
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Thermal comfort models for indoor spaces and vehicles—Current capabilities and future perspectives
C Croitoru, I Nastase, F Bode, A Meslem, A Dogeanu
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44, 304-318, 2015
Vortex dynamics and mass entrainment in turbulent lobed jets with and without lobe deflection angles
I Nastase, A Meslem
Experiments in fluids 48 (4), 693-714, 2010
Passive mixing control for innovative air diffusion terminal devices for buildings
A Meslem, I Nastase, F Allard
Building and Environment 45 (12), 2679-2688, 2010
Primary and secondary vortical structures contribution in the entrainment of low Reynolds number jet flows
I Nastase, A Meslem, P Gervais
Experiments in Fluids 44, 1027-1033, 2008
Lobed grilles for high mixing ventilation–An experimental analysis in a full scale model room
I Nastase, A Meslem, I Vlad, I Colda
Building and Environment 46 (3), 547-555, 2011
Comparison of turbulence models in simulating jet flow from a cross-shaped orifice
A Meslem, F Bode, C Croitoru, I Nastase
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 44, 100-120, 2014
Wall shear rates and mass transfer in impinging jets: Comparison of circular convergent and cross-shaped orifice nozzles
M Kristiawan, A Meslem, I Nastase, V Sobolik
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (1-3), 282-293, 2012
Thermodynamic investigation on an innovative unglazed transpired solar collector
CV Croitoru, I Nastase, FI Bode, A Meslem
Solar Energy 131, 21-29, 2016
A comparison of three turbulence models for the prediction of parallel lobed jets in perforated panel optimization
A Meslem, A Dia, C Beghein, M El Hassan, I Nastase, PJ Vialle
Building and Environment 46 (11), 2203-2219, 2011
Vortex dynamics and entrainment mechanisms in low Reynolds orifice jets
I Nastase, A Meslem
Journal of visualization 11 (4), 309-318, 2008
Analysis of jet entrainment mechanism in the transitional regime by time-resolved PIV
A Meslem, M El Hassan, I Nastase
Journal of Visualization 14, 41-52, 2011
CFD simulation of a cabin thermal environment with and without human body–thermal comfort evaluation
P Danca, F Bode, I Nastase, A Meslem
E3S Web of Conferences 32, 01018, 2018
On the Possibility of CFD Modeling of the Indoor Environment in a Vehicle
P Danca, F Bode, I Nastase, A Meslem
Energy Procedia 112, 656-663, 2017
Indoor environmental quality in operating rooms: an European standards review with regard to Romanian guidelines
I Nastase, C Croitoru, A Vartires, L Tataranu
Energy Procedia 85, 375-382, 2016
Passive control of jet flows using lobed nozzle geometries
I Nastase, A Meslem
Mechanics & Industry 8 (2), 101-109, 2007
Analyse des jets lobés en vue de leur intégration dans les Unités Terminales de Diffusion d'air
I Nastase
La Rochelle, 2007
Flow dynamics and mass transfer in impinging circular jet at low Reynolds number. Comparison of convergent and orifice nozzles
A Meslem, V Sobolik, F Bode, K Sodjavi, Y Zaouali, I Nastase, C Croitoru
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 67, 25-45, 2013
A regard on the thermal comfort theories from the standpoint of Electric Vehicle design—Review and perspectives
I Nastase, P Danca, F Bode, C Croitoru, L Fechete, M Sandu, CI Coșoiu
Energy Reports 8, 10501-10517, 2022
Improved inhaled air quality at reduced ventilation rate by control of airflow interaction at the breathing zone with lobed jets
Z Bolashikov, A Melikov, M Spilak, I Nastase, A Meslem
Hvac&R Research 20 (2), 238-250, 2014
Effect of phase change material wall on natural convection heat transfer inside an air filled enclosure
A Labihi, F Aitlahbib, H Chehouani, B Benhamou, M Ouikhalfan, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 126, 305-314, 2017
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