Scott Newey
Scott Newey
Senior Scientist at The Game Wildlife Conservation Trust (Scotland)
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Ash dieback in the UK: a review of the ecological and conservation implications and potential management options
RJ Mitchell, JK Beaton, PE Bellamy, A Broome, J Chetcuti, S Eaton, ...
Biological conservation 175, 95-109, 2014
Limitations of recreational camera traps for wildlife management and conservation research: A practitioner’s perspective
S Newey, P Davidson, S Nazir, G Fairhurst, F Verdicchio, RJ Irvine, ...
Ambio 44, 624-635, 2015
Parasite–mediated reduction in fecundity of mountain hares
S Newey, S Thirgood
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Prevalence, intensity and aggregation of intestinal parasites in mountain hares and their potential impact on population dynamics
S Newey, DJ Shaw, A Kirby, P Montieth, PJ Hudson, SJ Thirgood
International Journal for Parasitology 35 (4), 367-373, 2005
Culling wildlife hosts to control disease: mountain hares, red grouse and louping ill virus
A Harrison, S Newey, L Gilbert, DT Haydon, S Thirgood
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (4), 926-930, 2010
Collapsing foundations: The ecology of the British oak, implications of its decline and mitigation options
RJ Mitchell, PE Bellamy, CJ Ellis, RL Hewison, NG Hodgetts, GR Iason, ...
Biological Conservation 233, 316-327, 2019
Adaptive-optics-enabled quantum communication: A technique for daytime space-to-earth links
MT Gruneisen, ML Eickhoff, SC Newey, KE Stoltenberg, JF Morris, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (1), 014067, 2021
Do parasite burdens in spring influence condition and fecundity of female mountain hares Lepus timidus?
S Newey, SJ Thirgood, PJ Hudson
Wildlife Biology 10 (3), 171-176, 2004
Use of a novel camera trapping approach to measure small mammal responses to peatland restoration
NA Littlewood, MH Hancock, S Newey, G Shackelford, R Toney
European Journal of Wildlife Research 67 (1), 12, 2021
WiseEye: Next generation expandable and programmable camera trap platform for wildlife research
S Nazir, S Newey, RJ Irvine, F Verdicchio, P Davidson, G Fairhurst, R Wal
PLoS one 12 (1), e0169758, 2017
Do mountain hare populations cycle?
S Newey, T Willebrand, DT Haydon, F Dahl, NJ Aebischer, AA Smith, ...
Oikos 116 (9), 1547-1557, 2007
The effects of the Braer oil spill on rocky intertidal communities in South Shetland, Scotland
S Newey, R Seed
Oceanographic Literature Review 11 (42), 1021, 1995
Can distance sampling and dung plots be used to assess the density of mountain hares Lepus timidus?
S Newey, M Bell, S Enthoven, S Thirgood
Wildlife Biology 9 (3), 185-192, 2003
Consequences of game bird management for non‐game species in Europe
K Mustin, B Arroyo, P Beja, S Newey, RJ Irivine, J Kestler, SM Redpath
Journal of applied ecology 55 (5), 2285-2295, 2018
Biodiversity impacts of game bird hunting and associated management practices in Europe and North America
K Mustin, S Newey, J Irvine, B Arroyo, S Redpath
RSPB report, 2011
The strong and the hungry: bias in capture methods for mountain hares Lepus timidus
F Bisi, S Newey, M Nodari, LA Wauters, A Harrison, S Thirgood, ...
Wildlife Biology 17 (3), 311-316, 2011
Carcass provisioning to support scavengers: evaluating a controversial nature conservation practice
D Fielding, S Newey, R van der Wal, RJ Irvine
Ambio 43, 810-819, 2014
Unstable dynamics and population limitation in mountain hares
S Newey, F Dahl, T Willebrand, S Thirgood
Biological Reviews 82 (4), 527-549, 2007
Distribution of mountain hares Lepus timidus in Scotland: results from a questionnaire
V Patton, JA Ewald, AA Smith, S Newey, GR Iason, SJ Thirgood, ...
Mammal Review 40 (4), 313-326, 2010
Population and individual level effects of over‐winter supplementary feeding mountain hares
S Newey, P Allison, S Thirgood, AA Smith, IM Graham
Journal of Zoology 282 (3), 214-220, 2010
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Articles 1–20