Julie E. Phelan
Julie E. Phelan
Fairleigh Dickinson University; Therapy Resources of Morris County; Phelan Research
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe therapyresourcesmc.com
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Status incongruity and backlash effects: Defending the gender hierarchy motivates prejudice against female leaders
LA Rudman, CA Moss-Racusin, JE Phelan, S Nauts
Journal of experimental social psychology 48 (1), 165-179, 2012
Backlash effects for disconfirming gender stereotypes in organizations
LA Rudman, JE Phelan
Research in organizational behavior 28, 61-79, 2008
When men break the gender rules: status incongruity and backlash against modest men.
CA Moss-Racusin, JE Phelan, LA Rudman
Psychology of Men & Masculinity 11 (2), 140, 2010
Competent yet out in the cold: Shifting criteria for hiring reflect backlash toward agentic women
JE Phelan, CA Moss-Racusin, LA Rudman
Psychology of Women Quarterly 32 (4), 406-413, 2008
The effect of priming gender roles on women’s implicit gender beliefs and career aspirations
LA Rudman, JE Phelan
Social psychology, 2010
Reactions to vanguards: Advances in backlash theory
LA Rudman, CA Moss-Racusin, P Glick, JE Phelan
Advances in experimental social psychology 45, 167-227, 2012
College Students' Attitudes Toward Mental Illness: An Examination of the Stigma Process1
JE Phelan, SA Basow
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 37 (12), 2877-2902, 2007
The National Sleep Foundation's sleep health index
KL Knutson, J Phelan, MJ Paskow, A Roach, K Whiton, G Langer, ...
Sleep health 3 (4), 234-240, 2017
Developmental sources of implicit attitudes
LA Rudman, JE Phelan, JB Heppen
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (12), 1700-1713, 2007
Reactions to ethnic deviance: The role of backlash in racial stereotype maintenance.
JE Phelan, LA Rudman
Journal of personality and social psychology 99 (2), 265, 2010
Prejudice toward female leaders: Backlash effects and women’s impression management dilemma
JE Phelan, LA Rudman
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 4 (10), 807-820, 2010
Gender patterns in college students' choices of their best and worst professors
SA Basow, JE Phelan, L Capotosto
Psychology of Women Quarterly 30 (1), 25-35, 2006
The interpersonal power of feminism: Is feminism good for romantic relationships?
LA Rudman, JE Phelan
Sex roles 57, 787-799, 2007
Perceptions of relational and physical aggression among college students: Effects of gender of perpetrator, target, and perceiver
SA Basow, KF Cahill, JE Phelan, K Longshore, A McGillicuddy-DeLisi
Psychology of Women Quarterly 31 (1), 85-95, 2007
The gender role motivation model of women’s sexually submissive behavior and satisfaction in heterosexual couples
DT Sanchez, JE Phelan, CA Moss-Racusin, JJ Good
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (4), 528-539, 2012
Relationship contingency and sexual motivation in women: Implications for sexual satisfaction
DT Sanchez, CA Moss-Racusin, JE Phelan, J Crocker
Archives of Sexual Behavior 40, 99-110, 2011
System justification beliefs, affirmative action, and resistance to equal opportunity organizations
JE Phelan, LA Rudman
Social Cognition 29 (3), 376-390, 2011
The danger in sexism: The links among fear of crime, benevolent sexism, and well-being
JE Phelan, DT Sanchez, TL Broccoli
Sex Roles 62, 35-47, 2010
From the laboratory to the bench: Gender stereotyping research in the courtroom
LA Rudman, P Glick, JE Phelan
Beyond common sense: Psychological science in the courtroom, 83-101, 2007
“I'm Not Prejudiced, but...”: Compensatory Egalitarianism in the 2008 Democratic Presidential Primary
C Moss‐Racusin, J Phelan, L Rudman
Political Psychology 31 (4), 543-561, 2010
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