Dan-Cristian Dabija
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Cited by
The impact of social media influencers on travel decisions: The role of trust in consumer decision journey
RA Pop, Z Săplăcan, DC Dabija, MA Alt
Current Issues in Tourism 25 (5), 823-843, 2022
What makes an AI device human-like? The role of interaction quality, empathy and perceived psychological anthropomorphic characteristics in the acceptance of artificial …
C Pelau, DC Dabija, I Ene
Computers in Human Behavior 122, 106855, 2021
Customer experience in fintech
CM Barbu, Florea, D Laurenţiu, DC Dabija, MCR Barbu
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 16 (5), 1415 …, 2021
Generation X versus Millennials communication behaviour on social media when purchasing food versus tourist services
DC Dabija, BM Bejan, N Tipi
E a M Ekonomie a Management 21 (1), 191-205, 2018
The influence of internal marketing and job satisfaction on task performance and counterproductive work behavior in an emerging marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic
MS Nemteanu, DC Dabija
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (7), 3670, 2021
How Sustainability Oriented is Generation Z in Retail? A Literature Review
DC Dabija, BM Bejan, V Dinu
Transformations in Business & Economics 18 (2), 150-155, 2019
Before and after the outbreak of Covid-19: linking fashion companies’ corporate social responsibility approach to consumers’ demand for sustainable products
EM Vatamanescu, DC Dabija, P Gazzola, JG Cegarra-Navarro, T Buzzi
Journal of Cleaner Production 321 (128945), 2021
Job Insecurity, job instability and job Satisfaction in the Context of COVID 19 Pandemic
MS Nemțeanu, V Dinu, DC Dabija
Journal of Competitiveness 13 (2), 65–82, 2021
Enhancing Apparel Store Patronage through Retailers’ Attributes and Sustainability. A Generational Approach
DC Dabija, R Babut
Sustainability 11 (17), 1-14, 2019
Assessing the Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on M-Commerce Adoption: An Adapted UTAUT2 Approach
S Vinerean, C Budac, LA Baltador, DC Dabija
Electronics 11 (8), 1269, 2022
From the deliberate managerial strategy towards international business performance: a psychic distance vs. global mindset approach
EM Vătămănescu, VA Alexandru, A Mitan, DC Dabija
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 37 (2), 374-387, 2020
The impact of consumer green behaviour on green loyalty among retail formats
DC Dabija, BM Bejan, DB Grant
Moravian Geographical Reports 26 (3), 173-185, 2018
Predicting consumers’ purchase intention through fast fashion mobile apps: the mediating role of attitude and the moderating role of COVID-19
RA Pop, E Hledek, DC Dabija
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 186, 122111, 2023
Capitalizing Online Knowledge Networks: From Individual Knowledge Acquisition towards Organizational Achievements
EM Vatamanescu, C Bratianu, DC Dabija, S Popa
Journal of Knowledge Management 27 (5), 1366-1389, 2023
Ethical Responsibility of Neuromarketing Companies in Harnessing the Market Research–a Global Exploratory Approach
NA Pop, DC Dabija, AM Iorga
Amfiteatru Economic 16 (35), 26-40, 2014
A Qualitative Approach to the Sustainable Orientation of Generation Z in Retail: The Case of Romania
DC Dabija, BM Bejan, C Puscas
Journal of Risk and Financial Management 13 (7), 152, 2020
Consumer Perception and Understanding of European Union Quality Schemes: A Systematic Literature Review
AI Glogovetan, DC Dabija, M Fiore, CB Pocol
Sustainability 14 (3), 1667, 2022
Green marketing – Factor of Competitiveness in Retailing
DC Dabija, CM Pop
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 12 (2), 393-400, 2013
The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on employees' skills and wellbeing in global labor markets. A systematic review
RE Cramarenco, MI Burcă-Voicu, DC Dabija
Oeconomia Copernicana 14 (3), 401-431, 2023
Marketing internaţional – Teorie şi practică
NA Pop, DC Dabija, I Dumitru, C Pelau, EC Petrescu
Editura Uranus, Bucureşti, 2011
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Articles 1–20