Yuanzhu Chen (陈远筑,陳遠築)
Yuanzhu Chen (陈远筑,陳遠築)
Professor, School of Computing, Queen's University
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Citat de
Citat de
Approximating minimum size weakly-connected dominating sets for clustering mobile ad hoc networks
YP Chen, AL Liestman
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2002
The effect of news and public mood on stock movements
Q Li, TJ Wang, P Li, L Liu, Q Gong, Y Chen
Information Sciences 278, 826-840, 2014
Clustering algorithms for ad hoc wireless networks
Y Chen, A Liestman, J Liu
Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks 28, 2004
CORMAN: A novel cooperative opportunistic routing scheme in mobile ad hoc networks
Z Wang, Y Chen, C Li
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 30 (2), 289-296, 2012
User comments for news recommendation in forum-based social media
Q Li, J Wang, YP Chen, Z Lin
Information Sciences 180 (24), 4929-4939, 2010
PSR: A lightweight proactive source routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks
Z Wang, Y Chen, C Li
IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (2), 859-868, 2013
A Zonal Algorithm for Clustering An Hoc Networks
YP Chen, AL Liestman
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 14 (02), 305-322, 2003
Web media and stock markets: A survey and future directions from a big data perspective
Q Li, Y Chen, J Wang, Y Chen, H Chen
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 30 (2), 381-399, 2017
A hierarchical energy-efficient framework for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks
YP Chen, AL Liestman, J Liu
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 55 (3), 789-796, 2006
A tensor-based information framework for predicting the stock market
Q Li, Y Chen, LL Jiang, P Li, H Chen
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 34 (2), 1-30, 2016
Media-aware quantitative trading based on public Web information
Q Li, T Wang, Q Gong, Y Chen, Z Lin, S Song
Decision support systems 61, 93-105, 2014
MAC-layer proactive mixing for network coding in multi-hop wireless networks
J Zhang, YP Chen, I Marsic
Computer Networks 54 (2), 196-207, 2010
An information-gain approach to detecting three-way epistatic interactions in genetic association studies
T Hu, Y Chen, JW Kiralis, RL Collins, C Wejse, G Sirugo, SM Williams, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20 (4), 630-636, 2013
Indoor positioning of mobile devices with agile iBeacon deployment
HK Fard, Y Chen, KK Son
2015 IEEE 28th Canadian conference on electrical and computer engineering …, 2015
Enhancing Wi-Fi fingerprinting for indoor positioning using human-centric collaborative feedback
Y Luo, O Hoeber, Y Chen
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 3, 1-23, 2013
Joint inter-flow network coding and opportunistic routing in multi-hop wireless mesh networks: A comprehensive survey
S Kafaie, Y Chen, OA Dobre, MH Ahmed
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 20 (2), 1014-1035, 2018
Energy-efficient data aggregation hierarchy for wireless sensor networks
YP Chen, AL Liestman, J Liu
Second international conference on quality of service in heterogeneous wired …, 2005
Network coding via opportunistic forwarding in wireless mesh networks
J Zhang, YP Chen, I Marsic
2008 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1775-1780, 2008
Vi SEN: Methodology and Software for Visualization of Statistical Epistasis Networks
T Hu, Y Chen, JW Kiralis, JH Moore
Genetic epidemiology 37 (3), 283-285, 2013
Maintaining weakly-connected dominating sets for clustering ad hoc networks
YP Chen, AL Liestman
Ad Hoc Networks 3 (5), 629-642, 2005
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