Dr. S. R. Biradar
Dr. S. R. Biradar
SDM College of Enginnering and Technology, Dharwad - 580002
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Cited by
Performance Evaluation and Comparison of AODV and AOMDV”,
SR Biradar, K Majumder, SK Sarkar
(IJCSE) International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 2 (02 …, 2010
Review of motion blur estimation techniques
S Tiwari, VP Shukla, AK Singh, SR Biradar
Journal of Image and Graphics 1 (4), 176-184, 2013
Research issues in big data analytics
MK Kakhani, S Kakhani, SR Biradar
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering …, 2015
Survey of smart healthcare systems using internet of things (IoT)
Y Shaikh, VK Parvati, SR Biradar
2018 International conference on communication, computing and internet of …, 2018
Performance comparison of reactive routing protocols of MANETs using group mobility model
SR Biradar, HHD Sarma, K Sharma, SK Sarkar, C Puttamadappa
2009 International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, 192-195, 2009
Dynamic cellular automata based epidemic spread model for population in patches with movement
S Athithan, VP Shukla, SR Biradar
Journal of Computational Environmental Sciences 2014 (1), 518053, 2014
Blur parameters identification for simultaneous defocus and motion blur
S Tiwari, VP Shukla, SR Biradar, AK Singh
CSI transactions on ICT 2, 11-22, 2014
Implementation of Modified Twofish Algorithm using 128 and 192-bit keys on VHDL
P Gehlot, SR Biradar, BP Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications 70 (13), 2013
Simulation of ipv4-to-ipv6 dual stack transition mechanism (dstm) between ipv4 hosts in integrated ipv6/ipv4 network
K Chakraborty, N Dutta, SR Biradar
2009 4th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication …, 2009
Wavelet based histogram of oriented gradients feature descriptors for classification of partially occluded objects
AK Singh, VP Shukla, S Tiwari, SR Biradar
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 7 (3), 54, 2015
Communication framework for jointly addressing issues of routing overhead and energy drainage in MANET
SS Joshi, SR Biradar
Procedia Computer Science 89, 57-63, 2016
A blind blur detection scheme using statistical features of phase congruency and gradient magnitude
S Tiwari, VP Shukla, SR Biradar, AK Singh
Advances in Electrical Engineering 2014 (1), 521027, 2014
Power-efficient routing & increased yield approach for WSNs
K Sharma, AS Rathor, SR Biradar, MK Ghose
arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.0630, 2010
A review on existing QoS routing protocols in VANET based on link efficiency and link stability
DS Hotkar, SR Biradar
Advances in Communication, Cloud, and Big Data: Proceedings of 2nd National …, 2018
Blind restoration of motion blurred barcode images using ridgelet transform and radial basis function neural network
S Tiwari
ELCVIA: electronic letters on computer vision and image analysis 13 (3), 2014
Advantages of Classical Cryptography Over the Quantum Cryptography
V Ojha, A Sharma, SK Lenka, SR Biradar
World Applied Programming 2 (5), 257-262, 2012
Analysis QoS Parameters for MANETs Routing Protocols
SR Biradar, SK Sarkar, KM Rajanna, C Puttamadappa
International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 2 (03), 593-599, 2010
Blur classification using ridgelet transform and feed forward neural network
S Tiwari, VP Shukla, SR Biradar, AK Singh
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 6 (9), 47, 2014
A Novel golden eagle optimizer based trusted ad hoc on-demand distance vector (GEO-TAODV) routing protocol
SS Joshi, SR Biradar
International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications 8 (5), 538-548, 2021
Role of IoT and bigdata analytics in healthcare for disease prediction
Y Shaikh, VK Parvati, SR Biradar
2020 International Conference on Convergence to Digital World-Quo Vadis …, 2020
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Articles 1–20