Isabel Narciso
Isabel Narciso
Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon
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What is sexual satisfaction? Thematic analysis of lay people's definitions
PM Pascoal, ISB Narciso, NM Pereira
Journal of sex research 51 (1), 22-30, 2014
Infidelity in dating relationships: Gender-specific correlates of face-to-face and online extradyadic involvement
A Martins, M Pereira, R Andrade, FM Dattilio, I Narciso, MC Canavarro
Archives of Sexual Behavior 45, 193-205, 2016
Amores satisfeitos, mas não perfeitos
I Narciso, ME Costa
Paulo Freire: política e pedagogia
MW Apple, P Freire, A Nóvoa, I Narciso, M de Lurdes Pintasilgo
Olhares sobre a conjugalidade
I Narciso, MT Ribeiro
Lisboa: Coisas de ler, 2009
Aesthetic sports as high-risk contexts for eating disorders—Young elite dancers and gymnasts perspectives
R Francisco, M Alarcão, I Narciso
The Spanish journal of psychology 15 (1), 265-274, 2012
Predicting couple satisfaction: The role of differentiation of self, sexual desire and intimacy in heterosexual individuals
LC Ferreira, I Narciso, RF Novo, CR Pereira
Sexual and Relationship Therapy 29 (4), 390-404, 2014
Couple’s relationship after the death of a child: A systematic review
S Albuquerque, M Pereira, I Narciso
Journal of Child and Family Studies 25, 30-53, 2016
Conjugalidades satisfeitas mas não perfeitas: À procura do padrão que liga
I Narciso
Family relationships and parenting practices: A pathway to adolescents’ collectivist and individualist values?
A Prioste, I Narciso, MM Gonçalves, CR Pereira
Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 3258-3267, 2015
Posttraumatic growth in bereaved parents: A multidimensional model of associated factors.
S Albuquerque, I Narciso, M Pereira
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 10 (2), 199, 2018
Parental influences on elite aesthetic athletes’ body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating
R Francisco, I Narciso, M Alarcao
Journal of Child and Family Studies 22, 1082-1091, 2013
Intimacy, sexual desire and differentiation in couplehood: A theoretical and methodological review
LC Ferreira, I Narciso, RF Novo
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 38 (3), 263-280, 2012
Is committed desire intentional? A qualitative exploration of sexual desire and differentiation of self in couples
LC Ferreira, P Fraenkel, I Narciso, R Novo
Family process 54 (2), 308-326, 2015
Emotional intimacy is the best predictor of sexual satisfaction of men and women with sexual arousal problems
PM Pascoal, I Narciso, NM Pereira
International journal of impotence research 25 (2), 51-55, 2013
Predictors of body appearance cognitive distraction during sexual activity in men and women
P Pascoal, I Narciso, NM Pereira
The journal of sexual medicine 9 (11), 2849-2860, 2012
Adolescents and self-destructive behaviours: An exploratory analysis of family and individual correlates
D Cruz, I Narciso, M Muñoz, CR Pereira, D Sampaio
Behavioral Psychology/Psicología conductual: Revista internacional de …, 2013
Individual and relational risk factors for the development of eating disorders in adolescent aesthetic athletes and general adolescents
R Francisco, I Narciso, M Alarcao
Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 18, 403-411, 2013
Processo de validação da Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction em três amostras da população portuguesa
PM Pascoal, ISB Narciso, NM Pereira, AS Ferreira
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 26, 691-700, 2013
Risk trajectories of self-destructiveness in adolescence: Family core influences
D Cruz, I Narciso, CR Pereira, D Sampaio
Journal of Child and Family Studies 23, 1172-1181, 2014
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Articles 1–20