Robert Klemmensen
Robert Klemmensen
Other namesRobert Klemmesen, Robert Clemmensen, Robert Klemmenson
Lund University, Department of Political Science
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Cited by
Government responsiveness and political competition in comparative perspective
S Binzer Hobolt, R Klemmensen
Comparative Political Studies 41 (3), 309-337, 2008
Responsive government? Public opinion and government policy preferences in Britain and Denmark
SB Hobolt, R Klemmemsen
Political Studies 53 (2), 379-402, 2005
The political economy of freedom, democracy and transnational terrorism
P Kurrild-Klitgaard, MK Justesen, R Klemmensen
Public Choice 128, 289-315, 2006
Genetic influences on political ideologies: Twin analyses of 19 measures of political ideologies from five democracies and genome-wide findings from three populations
PK Hatemi, SE Medland, R Klemmensen, S Oskarsson, L Littvay, ...
Behavior genetics 44, 282-294, 2014
Estimating policy positions using political texts: An evaluation of the Wordscores approach
R Klemmensen, SB Hobolt, ME Hansen
Electoral Studies 26 (4), 746-755, 2007
Attitudes toward immigration: The role of personal predispositions
PT Dinesen, R Klemmensen, AS Nørgaard
Political Psychology 37 (1), 55-72, 2016
The civic personality: Personality and democratic citizenship
PT Dinesen, AS Nørgaard, R Klemmensen
Political Studies 62 (1_suppl), 134-152, 2014
The genetics of political participation, civic duty, and political efficacy across cultures: Denmark and the United States
R Klemmensen, PK Hatemi, SB Hobolt, I Petersen, A Skytthe, ...
Journal of Theoretical Politics 24 (3), 409-427, 2012
Metoder i statskundskab
LB Andersen, KM Hansen, R Klemmensen
Rosinante&Co., 2010
Politicization and the Replacement of Top Civil Servants in Denmark
JG Christensen, R Klemmensen, N Opstrup
Governance 27 (2), 215-241, 2014
Heritability in political interest and efficacy across cultures: Denmark and the United States
R Klemmensen, PK Hatemi, SB Hobolt, A Skytthe, AS Nørgaard
Twin Research and Human Genetics 15 (1), 15-20, 2012
Estimating the impact of education on political participation: Evidence from monozygotic twins in the United States, Denmark and Sweden
PT Dinesen, CT Dawes, M Johannesson, R Klemmensen, P Magnusson, ...
Political Behavior 38, 579-601, 2016
Computers, coders, and voters: Comparing automated methods for estimating party positions
F Hjorth, S Hobolt, ME Hansen, P Kurrild-Klitgaard, R Klemmensen
Research and Politics 2 (DOI: 10.1177/2053168015580476), 2015
Stay loyal or exit the party? How openness to experience and extroversion explain vote switching
BN Bakker, R Klemmensen, AS Nørgaard, G Schumacher
Political psychology 37 (3), 419-429, 2016
Portfolio saliency and ministerial turnover: dynamics in Scandinavian postwar cabinets
ME Hansen, R Klemmensen, SB Hobolt, H Bäck
Scandinavian Political Studies 36 (3), 227-248, 2013
What motivates you? The relationship between preferences for redistribution and attitudes toward immigration
P Emmenegger, R Klemmensen
Comparative Politics 45 (2), 227-246, 2013
The personalities of Danish MPs: Trait and aspect level differences
AS Nørgaard, R Klemmensen
Journal of Personality, 2018
Policy considerations on Facebook: Agendas, coherence and communication patterns in the 2011 Danish parliamentary elections
Dalen, A van, Z Fazekas, R Klemmensen, Hansen, KM
Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 2015
Losers lose more than winners win: asymmetrical effects of winning and losing in elections
SW Hansen, R Klemmmensen, S Serritzlew
European Journal of Political Research, 2019
One for all, all for one: issue competition in party leader rhetoric
SB Hobolt, R Klemmensen
annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2008
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Articles 1–20