Dion Brocks
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Cited by
Stereospecific pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of beta-adrenergic blockers in humans
R Mehvar, DR Brocks
Impact of lipoproteins on the biological activity and disposition of hydrophobic drugs: implications for drug discovery
KM Wasan, DR Brocks, SD Lee, K Sachs-Barrable, SJ Thornton
Nature reviews Drug discovery 7 (1), 84-99, 2008
A systematic review of drug absorption following bariatric surgery and its theoretical implications
R Padwal, D Brocks, AM Sharma
Obesity reviews 11 (1), 41-50, 2010
Clinical pharmacokinetics of ketoprofen and its enantiomers
F Jamali, DR Brocks
Clinical pharmacokinetics 19 (3), 197-217, 1990
High‐performance liquid chromatography analysis of curcumin in rat plasma: application to pharmacokinetics of polymeric micellar formulation of curcumin
Z Ma, A Shayeganpour, DR Brocks, A Lavasanifar, J Samuel
Biomedical Chromatography 21 (5), 546-552, 2007
Anticholinergic drugs used in Parkinson's disease: An overlooked class of drugs from a pharmacokinetic perspective
DR Brocks
J Pharm Pharm Sci 2 (2), 39-46, 1999
Drug disposition in three dimensions: an update on stereoselectivity in pharmacokinetics
DR Brocks
Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition 27 (8), 387-406, 2006
Polymeric micelles for the solubilization and delivery of cyclosporine A: pharmacokinetics and biodistribution
HM Aliabadi, DR Brocks, A Lavasanifar
Biomaterials 26 (35), 7251-7259, 2005
Multiple peaking phenomena in pharmacokinetic disposition
NM Davies, JK Takemoto, DR Brocks, JA Yáńez
Clinical pharmacokinetics 49, 351-377, 2010
Clinical pharmacokinetics of ketorolac tromethamine
DR Brocks, F Jamali
Clinical pharmacokinetics 23 (6), 415-427, 1992
Suppression of drug-metabolizing enzymes and efflux transporters in the intestine of endotoxin-treated rats
J Kalitsky-Szirtes, A Shayeganpour, DR Brocks, M Piquette-Miller
Drug Metabolism and Disposition 32 (1), 20-27, 2004
Stereoselectivity in the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the chiral antimalarial drugs
DR Brocks, R Mehvar
Clinical pharmacokinetics 42, 1359-1382, 2003
Phase 1 trial of everolimus plus sunitinib in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
AM Molina, DR Feldman, MH Voss, MS Ginsberg, MS Baum, DR Brocks, ...
Cancer 118 (7), 1868-1876, 2012
Metformin and exercise in type 2 diabetes: examining treatment modality interactions
NG Boulé, C Robert, GJ Bell, ST Johnson, RC Bell, RZ Lewanczuk, ...
Diabetes care 34 (7), 1469-1474, 2011
Effect of gastric bypass surgery on the absorption and bioavailability of metformin
RS Padwal, RQ Gabr, AM Sharma, LA Langkaas, DW Birch, S Karmali, ...
Diabetes care 34 (6), 1295-1300, 2011
Variations in tissue selectivity amongst insulin secretagogues: a systematic review
AS Abdelmoneim, SE Hasenbank, JM Seubert, DR Brocks, PE Light, ...
Diabetes, obesity and metabolism 14 (2), 130-138, 2012
Etodolac clinical pharmacokinetics
DR Brocks, F Jamali
Clinical pharmacokinetics 26 (4), 259-274, 1994
Pharmacokinetics of amiodarone in hyperlipidemic and simulated high fat‐meal rat models
A Shayeganpour, AS Jun, DR Brocks
Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition 26 (6), 249-257, 2005
Metabolic acidosis: separation methods and biological relevance of organic acids and lactic acid enantiomers
JB Ewaschuk, GA Zello, JM Naylor, DR Brocks
Journal of Chromatography B 781 (1-2), 39-56, 2002
Impact of stereoselectivity on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antiarrhythmic drugs
R Mehvar, DR Brocks, M Vakily
Clinical pharmacokinetics 41, 533-558, 2002
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