Daniel Wolfe
Daniel Wolfe
Harvard University
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Improved pattern transfer in soft lithography using composite stamps
TW Odom, JC Love, DB Wolfe, KE Paul, GM Whitesides
Langmuir 18 (13), 5314-5320, 2002
Unconventional nanofabrication
BD Gates, Q Xu, JC Love, DB Wolfe, GM Whitesides
Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 34 (1), 339-372, 2004
Formation and structure of self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiolates on palladium
JC Love, DB Wolfe, R Haasch, ML Chabinyc, KE Paul, GM Whitesides, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (9), 2597-2609, 2003
Dekker encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology
JA Schwarz, CI Contescu, K Putyera
CRC press, 2004
Fabrication and wetting properties of metallic half-shells with submicron diameters
JC Love, BD Gates, DB Wolfe, KE Paul, GM Whitesides
Nano Letters 2 (8), 891-894, 2002
Dynamic control of liquid-core/liquid-cladding optical waveguides
DB Wolfe, RS Conroy, P Garstecki, BT Mayers, MA Fischbach, KE Paul, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (34), 12434-12438, 2004
Microscope projection photolithography for rapid prototyping of masters with micron-scale features for use in soft lithography
JC Love, DB Wolfe, HO Jacobs, GM Whitesides
Langmuir 17 (19), 6005-6012, 2001
Self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiolates on palladium are good etch resists
JC Love, DB Wolfe, ML Chabinyc, KE Paul, GM Whitesides
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (8), 1576-1577, 2002
Fabrication of palladium-based microelectronic devices by microcontact printing
DB Wolfe, JC Love, KE Paul, ML Chabinyc, GM Whitesides
Applied Physics Letters 80 (12), 2222-2224, 2002
Integrated fluorescent light source for optofluidic applications
DV Vezenov, BT Mayers, DB Wolfe, GM Whitesides
Applied Physics Letters 86 (4), 2005
Customization of poly (dimethylsiloxane) stamps by micromachining using a femtosecond‐pulsed laser
DB Wolfe, JB Ashcom, JC Hwang, CB Schaffer, E Mazur, GM Whitesides
Advanced Materials 15 (1), 62-65, 2003
Diffusion-controlled optical elements for optofluidics
DB Wolfe, DV Vezenov, BT Mayers, GM Whitesides, RS Conroy, ...
Applied physics letters 87 (18), 2005
Rapid prototyping of microstructures by soft lithography for biotechnology
DB Wolfe, D Qin, GM Whitesides
Microengineering in Biotechnology, 81-107, 2009
Dekker encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology
CI Contescu
CRC press, 2008
Mesoscale self-assembly: capillary interactions when positive and negative menisci have similar amplitudes
DB Wolfe, A Snead, C Mao, NB Bowden, GM Whitesides
Langmuir 19 (6), 2206-2214, 2003
Dissections: Self-assembled aggregates that spontaneously reconfigure their structures when their environment changes
C Mao, VR Thalladi, DB Wolfe, S Whitesides, GM Whitesides
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (49), 14508-14509, 2002
Fabrication of planar optical waveguides by electrical microcontact printing
DB Wolfe, JC Love, BD Gates, GM Whitesides, RS Conroy, M Prentiss
Applied physics letters 84 (10), 1623-1625, 2004
Optical waveguiding in suspensions of dielectric particles
RS Conroy, BT Mayers, DV Vezenov, DB Wolfe, MG Prentiss, ...
Applied Optics 44 (36), 7853-7857, 2005
Effect of microgravity on the growth of silica nanostructures
DD Smith, L Sibille, RJ Cronise, AJ Hunt, SJ Oldenburg, D Wolfe, ...
Langmuir 16 (26), 10055-10060, 2000
Nanostructures replicated by polymer molding
DB Wolfe, JC Love, GM Whitesides
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2657-2666, 2004
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Articles 1–20