Paul E. Sum
Paul E. Sum
Professor of Political Science, University of North Dakota
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Cited by
Civil society development and democratic values in Romania and Moldova
G Bădescu, P Sum, EM Uslaner
East European Politics and Societies 18 (2), 316-341, 2004
Participation and political equality: An assessment of large-scale democracy
J Teorell, P Sum, M Tobiasen
Citizenship and involvement in European democracies, 408-438, 2007
Romania since 1989: politics, economics, and society
HF Carey
Lexington books, 2004
Historical legacies, social capital and civil society: Comparing Romania on a regional level
G Badescu, PE Sum
Europe-Asia Studies 57 (1), 117-133, 2005
Political orientations and behavior of public employees: A cross-national comparison
JL Jensen, PE Sum, DT Flynn
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 19 (4), 709-730, 2009
Race, reform, and desegregation in Mississippi higher education: Historically Black institutions after United States v. Fordice
PE Sum, SA Light, RF King
Law & Social Inquiry 29 (2), 403-435, 2004
The radical right in Romania: Political party evolution and the distancing of Romania from Europe
PE Sum
Communist and Post-Communist Studies 43 (1), 19-29, 2010
Assessing student learning outcomes and documenting success through a capstone course
PE Sum, SA Light
PS: Political Science & Politics 43 (3), 523-531, 2010
Romania under Basescu: aspirations, achievements, and frustrations during his first presidential term
RF King, PE Sum
(No Title), 2011
The Importance of Left-Right orientations in the new democracies
G Badescu, PE Sum
Presentation at the International Conference on „Elections and Democratic …, 2005
Capstone courses and senior seminars as culminating experiences in undergraduate political science education
PE Sum
Handbook on teaching and learning in political science and international …, 2015
Generalized trust and diversity in the classroom: A longitudinal study of Romanian adolescents
G Bădescu, PE Sum
Communist and Post-Communist Studies 48 (1), 33-41, 2015
Reforma învățământului superior în România: propuneri de schimbări pentru un sistem onest, eficient și incluziv
G Badescu, G Mihut, PE Sum …, 2018
Political Participation in Romania: Resources, Attitudes and Mobilization Capacity of Civil Society
P Sum
Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, September …, 2005
Historical legacies and social capital: comparing Romania and Germany on a regional level
G Badescu, P Sum
Conference paper for the annual meeting of the American Political Science …, 2003
Collaboration and socio-economic inequality: Estimating the effects of intra-school and inter-school inequality on collaborative problem-solving skills
PE Sum, G Bădescu
International Journal of Educational Development 102, 102843, 2023
Does inequality erode cooperation in the classroom? Evidence from PISA 2015
PE Sum, G Bădescu
Coming Home: Attitudes and Behaviors of Romanian Migrant Workers Returning from Abroad
G Badescu, P Sum
The 66th National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association …, 2008
Political mobilization in Romania: Social capital, socialization and political participation
P Sum
Romanian Journal of Society and Politics 5 (1), 33-55, 2005
Does inequality erode generalized trust? Evidence from Romanian youths
P Sum, G Bădescu
Acta Politica 54 (4), 584-606, 2019
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Articles 1–20