Viorel Constantin  Campian
Viorel Constantin Campian
Babes-Bolyai University, Department of Engineering Science
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Failure analysis of a Francis turbine runner
D Frunzǎverde, S Muntean, G Mǎrginean, V Campian, L Marșavina, ...
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 12 (1), 012115, 2010
In situ unsteady pressure measurements on the draft tube cone of the Francis turbine with air injection over an extended operating range
S Muntean, RF Susan-Resiga, VC Campian, C Dumbrava, A Cuzmos
UPB Sci. Bull. Ser. D 76 (3), 173-180, 2014
Experimental investigations of the unsteady flow in a Francis turbine draft tube cone
A Baya, S Muntean, VC Câmpian, A Cuzmoș, M Diaconescu, G Bǎlan
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 12 (1), 012007, 2010
Failure analysis of a Kaplan turbine runner blade by metallographic and numerical methods
D Frunzaverde, V Campian, D Nedelcu, GR Gillich, G Marginean
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on FLUID MECHANICS …, 2010
Silver based composite coatings with improved sliding wear behaviour
VI Rigou, G Marginean, D Frunzăverde, CV Câmpian
Wear 290, 61-65, 2012
Influence of welded layers thickness on the cavitation erosion resistance
D Frunzaverde, CV Câmpian, V Cojocaru, G Marginean, M Baran, ...
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Energy, Environment …, 2010
Experimental study regarding the cavitation and corrosion resistance of Stellite 6 and self-fluxing remelted coatings
CR Ciubotariu, E Secosan, G Marginean, D Frunzaverde, VC Campian
Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 62 (3), 154-162, 2016
Failure analysis of a Kaplan turbine runner blade
VC Câmpian, D Frunzaverde, D Nedelcu, G Marginean
Proceedings of 24th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 1-10, 2008
Fatigue analysis of low level links of a parallel topology robot guiding device mechanism
CO Miclosina, CV Campian
Applied Mechanics and Materials 162, 98-105, 2012
Analysis of an outer bearing bush of a hydropower plant kaplan turbine using finite element method
CO Miclosina, CV Campian, D Frunzaverde, V Cojocaru
Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Renewable Energy Sources (RES’11 …, 2011
Stress concentration factors for pin lever of runner blade mechanism from Kaplan turbines
AM Pittner, CV Campian, D Nedelcu, D Frunzaverde, V Cojocaru
3rd International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Corfu, Greece, 181-185, 2010
Hidrodinamica turbinelor bulb și a turbinelor-pompe bulb
I Anton, VC Câmpian, I Carte
Editura Tehnică, 1988
Fatigue Analysis of an Outer Bearing Bush of a Kaplan Turbine
CO Miclosina, CV Campian, D Frunzaverde, V Cojocaru
Analele Universității Eftimie Murgu Reșița. Fascicula de Inginerie 18 (1 …, 2011
Cavitation erosion investigations on thermal spray coatings
V Cojocaru, D Frunzaverde, CV Campian, G Marginean, R Ciubotariu, ...
International Conference Proceedings on Engineering Mechanics, Structures …, 2010
Laboratory tests concerning the influence of surface hardening on the cavitation erosion resistance
V Cojocaru, CV Campian, D Frunzaverde, I Ion, A Cuzmos, C Dumbrava
Proceedings of 3rd WSEAS International Conference On Engineering Mechanics …, 2010
Research regarding the cavitation erosion resistance of the stainless steel with the 13% Cr and 4% Ni used to manufacture the components of Kaplan, Francis and Pelton hydraulic …
MD Nedeloni, D Nedelcu, VC Campian, D Chirus, RC Avasiloaie, F Danut
Constanta Maritime University Annals 19, 2013
A method to combine hydrodynamics and constructive design in the optimization of the runner blades of Kaplan turbines
CO Miclosina, DI Balint, CV Campian, D Frunzaverde, I Ion
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 15 (3), 032015, 2012
3D Modeling and Motion Simulation of the Guiding Device of a Parallel Topology Robot
CO Micloșină, CV Campian
Robotica & Management 15 (2), 22-25, 2010
Numerical investigations of flow on the Kaplan turbine runner blade anticavitation lip with modified cross section
V Cojocaru, D Balint, VC Campian, D Nedelcu, C Jianu
Recent researches in mechanics, 215-218, 2011
Metallographic investigations on anti-cavitation lips of kaplan blades
D Frunzaverde, CV Campian, G Marginean
Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2006
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