Sarwono Mulyono Mulyoprayitno
Sarwono Mulyono Mulyoprayitno
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Solubility of CO2 in deep eutectic solvents: Experiments and modelling using the Peng–Robinson equation of state
E Ali, MK Hadj-Kali, S Mulyono, I Alnashef, A Fakeeha, F Mjalli, A Hayyan
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 92 (10), 1898-1906, 2014
Separation of BTEX aromatics from n-octane using a (tetrabutylammonium bromide+ sulfolane) deep eutectic solvent–experiments and COSMO-RS prediction
S Mulyono, HF Hizaddin, IM Alnashef, MA Hashim, AH Fakeeha, ...
Rsc Advances 4 (34), 17597-17606, 2014
Efficient removal of benzene from cyclohexane-benzene mixtures using deep eutectic solvents–COSMO-RS screening and experimental validation
Z Salleh, I Wazeer, S Mulyono, L El-blidi, MA Hashim, MK Hadj-Kali
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 104, 33-44, 2017
Removal of Thiophene from Mixtures with n-Heptane by Selective Extraction Using Deep Eutectic Solvents
MK Hadj-Kali, S Mulyono, HF Hizaddin, I Wazeer, L El-Blidi, E Ali, ...
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55 (30), 8415-8423, 2016
Application of deep eutectic solvents and their individual constituents as surfactants for enhanced oil recovery
MK Hadj-Kali, KE Al-khidir, I Wazeer, L El-blidi, S Mulyono, IM AlNashef
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 487, 221-231, 2015
Coupling the capabilities of different complexing agents into deep eutectic solvents to enhance the separation of aromatics from aliphatics
HF Hizaddin, M Sarwono, MA Hashim, IM Alnashef, MK Hadj-Kali
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 84, 67-75, 2015
Ionic liquids for the separation of benzene and cyclohexane–COSMO-RS screening and experimental validation
MZM Salleh, MK Hadj-Kali, MA Hashim, S Mulyono
Journal of Molecular Liquids 266, 51-61, 2018
Analysis of operating conditions for CO2 capturing process using deep eutectic solvents
E Ali, MK Hadj-Kali, S Mulyono, I Alnashef
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 47, 342-350, 2016
Liquid-liquid separation of azeotropic mixtures of ethanol/alkanes using deep eutectic solvents: COSMO-RS prediction and experimental validation
MK Hadj-Kali, HF Hizaddin, I Wazeer, S Mulyono, MA Hashim
Fluid Phase Equilibria 448, 105-115, 2017
Optimal design of hybrid renewable energy system for a reverse osmosis desalination system in Arar, Saudi Arabia
AM Eltamaly, E Ali, M Bumazza, S Mulyono, M Yasin
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 46, 9879-9897, 2021
Liquid-liquid equilibria data for the separation of ethylbenzene/styrene mixtures using ammonium-based deep eutectic solvents
S Mulyono, HF Hizaddin, I Wazeer, O Alqusair, E Ali, MA Hashim, ...
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 135, 296-304, 2019
Investigating the solubility of chlorophenols in hydrophobic ionic liquids
R Sulaiman, MK Hadj-Kali, SW Hasan, S Mulyono, IM AlNashef
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 135, 97-106, 2019
Determination of cost-effective operating condition for CO2 capturing using 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid
E Ali, I Alnashef, A Ajbar, S Mulyono, HF Hizaddin, MK Hadj-Kali
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 30, 2068-2077, 2013
Optimization of wind driven ro plant for brackish water desalination during wind speed fluctuation with and without battery
E Ali, M Bumazza, A Eltamaly, S Mulyono, M Yasin
Membranes 11 (2), 77, 2021
Magnetically modified corn cob as a new low-cost biosorbent for removal of Cu (II) and Zn (II) from wastewater
AYD Lestari, A Chafidz, AR Hapsari, WD Elnaufal, SN Indri, MM Alatas, ...
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan 9 (2), 96-102, 2020
Scaling-up liquid-liquid extraction experiments with deep eutectic solvents
E Ali, S Mulyono, M Hadj-Kali
New Developments in Biology, Biomedical Chemical Engineering and Materials …, 2015
Separation of benzene and cyclohexane using eutectic solvents with aromatic structure
MK Hadj-Kali, MZM Salleh, I Wazeer, A Alhadid, S Mulyono
Molecules 27 (13), 4041, 2022
Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Separation of Toluene/1-Hexene via Liquid–Liquid Extraction
MK Hadj-Kali, L El Blidi, S Mulyono, I Wazeer, E Ali, J Rallapalli
Separations 9 (11), 369, 2022
Application of deep eutectic solvents for the separation of aliphatics and aromatics
IM Sarwono, M.M., Hadj-Kali, M.K.O., Alnashef
Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering, and Environment (TIME-E …, 2013
On the use of Ionic Liquids for CO2 Capturing
E Ali, I Alnashef, A Ajbar, M HadjKali, S Mulyono
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Articles 1–20