Holger Waalkens
Holger Waalkens
Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen
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Wigner's dynamical transition state theory in phase space: classical and quantum
H Waalkens, R Schubert, S Wiggins
Nonlinearity 21 (1), R1, 2007
Phase space conduits for reaction in multidimensional systems: HCN isomerization in three dimensions
H Waalkens, A Burbanks, S Wiggins
The Journal of chemical physics 121 (13), 6207-6225, 2004
Direct construction of a dividing surface of minimal flux for multi-degree-of-freedom systems that cannot be recrossed
H Waalkens, S Wiggins
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (35), L435, 2004
The problem of two fixed centers: bifurcations, actions, monodromy
H Waalkens, HR Dullin, PH Richter
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 196 (3-4), 265-310, 2004
Elliptic Quantum Billiards
H Waalkens, J Wiersig, HR Dullin
Ann. Phys.(NY) 260, 50, 1997
Microcanonical rates, gap times, and phase space dividing surfaces
GS Ezra, H Waalkens, S Wiggins
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (16), 2009
Unidirectional emission from circular dielectric microresonators with a point scatterer
CP Dettmann, GV Morozov, M Sieber, H Waalkens
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (6), 063813, 2009
A computational procedure to detect a new type of high-dimensional chaotic saddle and its application to the 3D Hill's problem
H Waalkens, A Burbanks, S Wiggins
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (24), L257, 2004
Efficient Procedure to Compute the Microcanonical Volume of Initial Conditions<? format?> that Lead to Escape Trajectories from a Multidimensional Potential Well
H Waalkens, A Burbanks, S Wiggins
Physical review letters 95 (8), 084301, 2005
Escape from planetary neighbourhoods
H Waalkens, A Burbanks, S Wiggins
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 361 (3), 763-775, 2005
Nonlinear actuation dynamics of driven Casimir oscillators with rough surfaces
W Broer, H Waalkens, VB Svetovoy, J Knoester, G Palasantzas
Physical Review Applied 4 (5), 054016, 2015
Geometrical models of the phase space structures governing reaction dynamics
H Waalkens, S Wiggins
Regular and Chaotic dynamics 15, 1-39, 2010
Quantum monodromy in prolate ellipsoidal billiards
H Waalkens, HR Dullin
Annals of Physics 295 (1), 81-112, 2002
Quantum monodromy in the two-centre problem
H Waalkens, A Junge, HR Dullin
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (20), L307, 2003
A formula to compute the microcanonical volume of reactive initial conditions in transition state theory
H Waalkens, A Burbanks, S Wiggins
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (45), L759, 2005
Efficient Computation of Transition State Resonances<? format?> and Reaction Rates from a Quantum Normal Form
R Schubert, H Waalkens, S Wiggins
Physical review letters 96 (21), 218302, 2006
Directional emission from an optical microdisk resonator with a point scatterer
CP Dettmann, GV Morozov, M Sieber, H Waalkens
Europhysics Letters 82 (3), 34002, 2008
Internal and external resonances of dielectric disks
CP Dettmann, GV Morozov, M Sieber, H Waalkens
Europhysics letters 87 (3), 34003, 2009
Non-Abelian nature of systems with multiple exceptional points
EJ Pap, D Boer, H Waalkens
Physical Review A 98 (2), 023818, 2018
Reaction dynamics through kinetic transition states
Ü Çiftçi, H Waalkens
Physical Review Letters 110 (23), 233201, 2013
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Articles 1–20