Geoffrey Layman
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Cited by
Party polarization and" conflict extension" in the American electorate
GC Layman, TM Carsey
American Journal of Political Science, 786-802, 2002
The great divide: Religious and cultural conflict in American party politics
G Layman
Columbia University Press, 2001
Party polarization in American politics: Characteristics, causes, and consequences
GC Layman, TM Carsey, JM Horowitz
Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci. 9 (1), 83-110, 2006
Changing sides or changing minds? Party identification and policy preferences in the American electorate
TM Carsey, GC Layman
American Journal of Political Science 50 (2), 464-477, 2006
Religion and political behavior in the United States: The impact of beliefs, affiliations, and commitment from 1980 to 1994
GC Layman
Public Opinion Quarterly, 288-316, 1997
“Bands of others”? Attitudes toward Muslims in contemporary American society
KO Kalkan, GC Layman, EM Uslaner
The Journal of Politics 71 (3), 847-862, 2009
Activists and conflict extension in American party politics
GC Layman, TM Carsey, JC Green, R Herrera, R Cooperman
American Political Science Review 104 (2), 324-346, 2010
Cultural conflict in American politics: Religious traditionalism, postmaterialism, and US political behavior
GC Layman, EG Carmines
Religion and Politics, 483-509, 2019
Wars and rumours of wars: The contexts of cultural conflict in American political behaviour
GC Layman, JC Green
British Journal of Political Science 36 (1), 61-89, 2006
The party faithful: Partisan images, candidate religion, and the electoral impact of party identification
DE Campbell, JC Green, GC Layman
American Journal of Political Science 55 (1), 42-58, 2011
Party polarization and party structuring of policy attitudes: A comparison of three NES panel studies
GC Layman, TM Carsey
Political Behavior 24, 199-236, 2002
“Culture wars” in the American party system: Religious and cultural change among partisan activists since 1972
GC Layman
American Politics Quarterly 27 (1), 89-121, 1999
Putting politics first: The impact of politics on American religious and secular orientations
DE Campbell, GC Layman, JC Green, NG Sumaktoyo
American Journal of Political Science 62 (3), 551-565, 2018
Beyond race: Social justice as a race neutral ideal
PM Sniderman, EG Carmines, GC Layman, M Carter
American Journal of Political Science, 33-55, 1996
Secular surge: A new fault line in American politics
DE Campbell, GC Layman, JC Green
Cambridge University Press, 2020
Authoritarianism and American political behavior from 1952 to 2008
AM Cizmar, GC Layman, J McTague, S Pearson-Merkowitz, M Spivey
Political Research Quarterly 67 (1), 71-83, 2014
Value priorities, partisanship and electoral choice: The neglected case of the United States
EG Carmines, GC Layman
Political Behavior 19, 283-316, 1997
Religious group cues and citizen policy attitudes in the United States
T Adkins, GC Layman, DE Campbell, JC Green
Politics and Religion 6 (2), 235-263, 2013
Why do party activists convert? An analysis of individual-level change on the abortion issue
GC Layman, TM Carsey
Political Research Quarterly 51 (3), 723-749, 1998
Survey experiments on candidate religiosity, political attitudes, and vote choice
JJ Castle, GC Layman, DE Campbell, JC Green
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 56 (1), 143-161, 2017
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Articles 1–20