Cristian Busu
Cristian Busu
Associate Professor, PhD, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
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Cited by
Modeling the circular economy processes at the EU level using an evaluation algorithm based on shannon entropy
C Busu, M Busu
Processes 6 (11), 225, 2018
Research on the factors of competition in the green procurement processes: A case study for the conditions of romania using pls-sem methodology
C Busu, M Busu
Mathematics 9 (1), 16, 2020
The role of knowledge intensive business services on Romania’s economic revival and modernization at the regional level
C Busu, M Busu
Sustainability 9 (4), 526, 2017
Tacit knowledge management–strategic role in disclosing the intellectual capital
CS Bănacu, C Buşu, AC Nedelcu
Proceedings of the 7th International Management Conference," New Management …, 2013
The SWOT analysis of the Romanian health care system and the key elements for resources allocation.
C Cicea, C Busu, E Armeanu
Management Research & Practice 3 (3), 2011
Food sustainable model development: An ANP approach to prioritize sustainable factors in the romanian natural soft drinks industry context
RC Dobrea, G Molănescu, C Buṣu
Sustainability 7 (8), 10007-10020, 2015
Detecting bid-rigging in public procurement. A cluster analysis approach
M Busu, C Busu
Administrative Sciences 11 (1), 13, 2021
Energy poverty in Romania–drivers, effects and possible measures to reduce its effects and number of people affected
R Clodnitchi, C Busu
Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence 11 (1 …, 2017
Modeling the predictive power of the singular value decomposition-based entropy. Empirical evidence from the Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index
C Busu, M Busu
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 534, 120819, 2019
Economic modeling in the management of transition to bioeconomy
C Busu, M Busu
Amfiteatru Econ 21, 1-24, 2019
The Liberalization Process of the Railway Sector in Romania and European Union Countries
C Busu, M Busu
Revista de Management Comparat International 16 (3), 305, 2015
How does renewable energy impact carbon emissions? An Eu level analysis
C Bușu, M Bușu
11th International Management Conference “The role of management in the …, 2017
Managing employee’s resistance to change: A conceptual model based on human capital perspective
AC Nedelcu, C Buşu
Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics-Vol. 1: Proceedings of the 15th …, 2016
Healthcare economics as method of rendering the activity effective
C Cicea, C Dobrin, I Popa, C Busu
Management Research and Practice 2 (4), 421-431, 2010
An application of the Kalman filter recursive algorithm to estimate the Gaussian errors by minimizing the symmetric loss function
C Busu, M Busu
Symmetry 13 (2), 240, 2021
Modelling the Circular Economy Processes at the EU level using an evaluation algorithm based on Shannon entropy. Processes, 6 (11), 225
C Busu, M Busu
The impact of applying the total quality management model on the performance of the telecom organizations in Romania
C Busu, M Busu
Amfiteatru Econ 19 (11), 1035-1049, 2017
The Liberalization Process Of The Railway Sector In Romania And Some Infringement Case Studies
„Dissipative Advertising in Retail Markets”
C Busu, M Busu, M Dragoi, I Popa, C Dobrin, A Giurgiu
Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research 49 (2), 57-69, 2015
Competition policy in the European context: evolutions and perspectives
C Busu
Proceedings of the 8th International Management Conference Management …, 2014
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Articles 1–20