(Tian Li)李田
(Tian Li)李田
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Cited by
Electric field induced salt precipitation into activated carbon air-cathode causes power decay in microbial fuel cells
J An, N Li, L Wan, L Zhou, Q Du, T Li, X Wang
Water research 123, 369-377, 2017
A novel carbon black graphite hybrid air-cathode for efficient hydrogen peroxide production in bioelectrochemical systems
N Li, J An, L Zhou, T Li, J Li, C Feng, X Wang
Journal of Power Sources 306, 495-502, 2016
A novel electro-coagulation-Fenton for energy efficient cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins removal without chemical addition
J An, N Li, S Wang, C Liao, L Zhou, T Li, X Wang, Y Feng
Journal of hazardous materials 365, 650-658, 2019
Subminimal inhibitory concentration (sub-MIC) of antibiotic induces electroactive biofilm formation in bioelectrochemical systems
L Zhou, T Li, J An, C Liao, N Li, X Wang
Water research 125, 280-287, 2017
Repeated transfer enriches highly active electrotrophic microbial consortia on biocathodes in microbial fuel cells
C Liao, J Wu, L Zhou, T Li, J An, Z Huang, N Li, X Wang
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 121, 118-124, 2018
Protection of electroactive biofilm from extreme acid shock by polydopamine encapsulation
Q Du, T Li, N Li, X Wang
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 4 (8), 345-349, 2017
Bioelectrochemical sensor using living biofilm to in situ evaluate flocculant toxicity
T Li, X Wang, L Zhou, J An, J Li, N Li, H Sun, Q Zhou
ACS Sensors 1 (11), 1374-1379, 2016
Optimal set of electrode potential enhances the toxicity response of biocathode to formaldehyde
C Liao, J Wu, L Zhou, T Li, Q Du, J An, N Li, X Wang
Science of the total environment 644, 1485-1492, 2018
Swift acid rain sensing by synergistic rhizospheric bioelectrochemical responses
T Li, X Wang, Q Zhou, C Liao, L Zhou, L Wan, J An, Q Du, N Li, ZJ Ren
ACS sensors 3 (7), 1424-1430, 2018
Regeneration of activated carbon air-cathodes by half-wave rectified alternating fields in microbial fuel cells
L Zhou, C Liao, T Li, J An, Q Du, L Wan, N Li, X Pan, X Wang
Applied energy 219, 199-206, 2018
Gravity settling of planktonic bacteria to anodes enhances current production of microbial fuel cells
T Li, L Zhou, Y Qian, L Wan, Q Du, N Li, X Wang
Applied energy 198, 261-266, 2017
Tiny crystalline grain nanocrystal NiCo2O4/N-doped graphene composite for efficient oxygen reduction reaction
L Wan, G Zang, X Wang, L Zhou, T Li, Q Zhou
Journal of Power Sources 345, 41-49, 2017
Efficient regeneration of activated carbon electrode by half-wave rectified alternating fields in capacitive deionization system
L Zhou, T Li, J An, C Liao, N Li, X Wang
Electrochimica Acta 298, 372-378, 2019
KOH 活化活性炭提升辊压空气阴极微生物燃料电池性能
李骏辉, 王鑫, 周乐安, 安敬昆, 李田, 武佳丽, 钱亚薇, 周启星
环境工程学报 11 (10), 5387-5392, 2017
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