Lucian Georgescu
Lucian Georgescu
Prof. dr. ing., Univ. ”Dunarea de Jos” din Galati, Romania
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ugal.ro
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Citat de
Determination of heavy metals in soils using XRF technique
A Ene, A Bosneaga, L Georgescu
Rom. Journ. Phys 55 (7-8), 815-820, 2010
Study of Physico‐chemical characteristics of wastewater in an urban agglomeration in Romania
P Popa, M Timofti, M Voiculescu, S Dragan, C Trif, LP Georgescu
The Scientific World Journal 2012 (1), 549028, 2012
Conceptualizing core aspects on circular economy in cities
ES Lakatos, G Yong, A Szilagyi, DS Clinci, L Georgescu, C Iticescu, ...
Sustainability 13 (14), 7549, 2021
Lower Danube water quality quantified through WQI and multivariate analysis
C Iticescu, LP Georgescu, G Murariu, C Topa, M Timofti, V Pintilie, ...
Water 11 (6), 1305, 2019
Assessment of heavy metal pollution levels in sediments and of ecological risk by quality indices, applying a case study: The Lower Danube River, Romania
VA Calmuc, M Calmuc, M Arseni, CM Topa, M Timofti, A Burada, ...
Water 13 (13), 1801, 2021
Assessing the Danube water quality index in the city of Galati, Romania
C Iticescu, LP Georgescu, CM Topa
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 8 (4), 155-164, 2013
Assessing and forecasting water quality in the Danube River by using neural network approaches
PL Georgescu, S Moldovanu, C Iticescu, M Calmuc, V Calmuc, C Topa, ...
Science of the Total Environment 879, 162998, 2023
A comparative approach to a series of physico-chemical quality indices used in assessing water quality in the Lower Danube
M Calmuc, V Calmuc, M Arseni, C Topa, M Timofti, LP Georgescu, ...
Water 12 (11), 3239, 2020
Testing different interpolation methods based on single beam echosounder river surveying. Case study: Siret River
M Arseni, M Voiculescu, LP Georgescu, C Iticescu, A Rosu
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8 (11), 507, 2019
Monitoring of soil moisture in long-term ecological research (LTER) sites of Romanian Carpathians
L Dinca, O Badea, G Guiman, C Braga, V Crisan, V Greavu, G Murariu, ...
Annals of Forest Research 50, 171-188, 2007
Optimal solutions for the use of sewage sludge on agricultural lands
C Iticescu, PL Georgescu, M Arseni, A Rosu, M Timofti, G Carp, LI Cioca
Water 13 (5), 585, 2021
Environmental factors affecting Phragmites australis litter decomposition in Mediterranean and Black Sea transitional waters
F Sangiorgio, A Basset, M Pinna, L Sabetta, M Abbiati, M Ponti, M Minocci, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18 (S1), S16-S26, 2008
Biodiversity conservation in Mediterranean and Black Sea lagoons: a trait‐oriented approach to benthic invertebrate guilds
A Basset, L Sabetta, F Sangiorgio, M Pinna, D Migoni, F Fanizzi, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18 (S1), S4-S15, 2008
Optical solitons and conservation laws for the concatenation model: undetermined coefficients and multipliers approach
A Biswas, J Vega-Guzman, AH Kara, S Khan, H Triki, O Gonzalez-Gaxiola, ...
Universe 9 (1), 15, 2022
The characteristics of sewage sludge used on agricultural lands
C Iticescu, LP Georgescu, G Murariu, A Circiumaru, M Timofti
AIP conference proceedings 2022 (1), 2018
Quality assessment of Mediterranean and Black sea transitional waters: comparing responses of benthic biotic indices
M PontiPonti, M., Pinna, M., Basset, A., Moncheva, S., Trayanova, A ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18 (1), S62 - S75, 2008
Measurements of Tropospheric NO2 in Romania Using a Zenith-Sky Mobile DOAS System and Comparisons with Satellite Observations
DE Constantin, A Merlaud, M Van Roozendael, M Voiculescu, C Fayt, ...
Sensors 13 (3), 3922-3940, 2013
Various methods for calculating the water quality index
VA Călmuc, M Călmuc, MC Țopa, M Timofti, C Iticescu, LP Georgescu
Analele Universității” Dunărea de Jos” din Galați. Fascicula II, Matematică …, 2018
Measurements of gross alpha and beta activity in drinking water from Galati region, Romania
V Pintilie, A Ene, LP Georgescu, L Moraru, C Iticescu
Romanian Reports in Physics 68 (3), 1208-1220, 2016
High-resolution airborne imaging DOAS measurements of NO2 above Bucharest during AROMAT
AC Meier, A Schönhardt, T Bösch, A Richter, A Seyler, T Ruhtz, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10 (5), 1831-1857, 2017
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