Artur Izmaylov
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Cited by
Influence of the exchange screening parameter on the performance of screened hybrid functionals
AV Krukau, OA Vydrov, AF Izmaylov, GE Scuseria
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (22), 224106, 2006
Can short-range hybrids describe long-range-dependent properties?
TM Henderson, AF Izmaylov, G Scalmani, GE Scuseria
The Journal of chemical physics 131 (4), 044108, 2009
Measurement Optimization in the Variational Quantum Eigensolver Using a Minimum Clique Cover
V Verteletskyi, TC Yen, AF Izmaylov
J. Chem. Phys. 152, 124114, 2020
Qubit coupled-cluster method: A systematic approach to quantum chemistry on a quantum computer
IG Ryabinkin, TC Yen, SN Genin, AF Izmaylov
J. Chem Theory Comput. 14, 6317-6326, 2018
Efficient evaluation of short-range Hartree-Fock exchange in large molecules and periodic systems
AF Izmaylov, GE Scuseria, MJ Frisch
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (10), 2006
Unitary partitioning approach to the measurement problem in the Variational Quantum Eigensolver method
AF Izmaylov, TC Yen, RA Lang, V Verteletskyi
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16 (1), 190-195, 2020
Accurate solid-state band gaps via screened hybrid electronic structure calculations
EN Brothers, AF Izmaylov, JO Normand, V Barone, GE Scuseria
The Journal of chemical physics 129 (1), 2008
Measuring all compatible operators in one series of a single-qubit measurements using unitary transformations
TC Yen, V Verteletskyi, AF Izmaylov
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16 (4), 2400-2409, 2020
The importance of middle-range Hartree-Fock-type exchange for hybrid density functionals
TM Henderson, AF Izmaylov, GE Scuseria, A Savin
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (22), 2007
A Quantum Computing View on Unitary Coupled Cluster Theory
A Anand, P Schleich, S Alperin-Lea, PWK Jensen, S Sim, M Díaz-Tinoco, ...
Chem. Soc. Rev. 51, 1659-1684, 2022
Assessment of a middle-range hybrid functional
TM Henderson, AF Izmaylov, GE Scuseria, A Savin
Journal of chemical theory and computation 4 (8), 1254-1262, 2008
Iterative Qubit Coupled Cluster approach with efficient screening of generators
IG Ryabinkin, RA Lang, SN Genin, AF Izmaylov
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16 (2), 1055-1063, 2020
Constrained variational quantum eigensolver: Quantum computer search engine in the Fock space
IG Ryabinkin, SN Genin, AF Izmaylov
J. Chem. Theory Comp. 15, 249-255, 2019
Geometric Phase Effects in Nonadiabatic Dynamics near Conical Intersections
IG Ryabinkin, L Joubert-Doriol, AF Izmaylov
Accounts of Chemical Research 50, 1785-1793, 2017
Fast numerical evaluation of time-derivative nonadiabatic couplings for mixed quantum-classical methods
IG Ryabinkin, J Nagesh, AF Izmaylov
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 4200-4203, 2015
Nonequilibrium Fermi golden rule for electronic transitions through conical intersections
AF Izmaylov, D Mendive–Tapia, MJ Bearpark, MA Robb, JC Tully, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (23), 2011
Revising measurement process in the variational quantum eigensolver: Is it possible to reduce the number of separately measured operators?
AF Izmaylov, TC Yen, IG Ryabinkin
Chemical Science 10, 3746 - 3755, 2019
Geometric Phase Effects in Dynamics Near Conical Intersections:<? format?> Symmetry Breaking and Spatial Localization
IG Ryabinkin, AF Izmaylov
Physical review letters 111 (22), 220406, 2013
Tequila: A platform for rapid development of quantum algorithms
JS Kottmann, S Alperin-Lea, T Tamayo-Mendoza, A Cervera-Lierta, ...
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 024009, 2021
Why are time-dependent density functional theory excitations in solids equal to band structure energy gaps for semilocal functionals, and how does nonlocal Hartree–Fock-type …
AF Izmaylov, GE Scuseria
The Journal of chemical physics 129 (3), 2008
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Articles 1–20