Michal Jakob
Cited by
Cited by
Autonomous UAV surveillance in complex urban environments
E Semsch, M Jakob, D Pavlicek, M Pechoucek
2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2009
Agent-based model of maritime traffic in piracy-affected waters
O Vaněk, M Jakob, O Hrstka, M Pěchouček
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 36, 157-176, 2013
Computing time-dependent policies for patrolling games with mobile targets
B Bošanský, V Lisý, M Jakob, M Pechoucek
Data-driven activity scheduler for agent-based mobility models
J Drchal, M Čertický, M Jakob
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 98, 370-390, 2019
Using agents to improve international maritime transport security
M Jakob, O Vanĕk, M Pĕchouček
IEEE Intelligent Systems 26 (1), 90-96, 2011
Market mechanism design for profitable on-demand transport services
M Egan, M Jakob
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 89, 178-195, 2016
Transiting areas patrolled by a mobile adversary
O Vaněk, B Bošanský, M Jakob, M Pěchouček
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2010
Agentpolis: towards a platform for fully agent-based modeling of multi-modal transportation
M Jakob, Z Moler, A Komenda, Z Yin, AX Jiang, MP Johnson, ...
AAMAS 2012, 1501-1502, 2012
Using multi-agent simulation to improve the security of maritime transit
O Vaněk, M Jakob, O Hrstka, M Pěchouček
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XII: International Workshop, MABS 2011, Taipei …, 2012
Occlusion-aware multi-uav surveillance of multiple urban areas
M Jakob, E Semsch, D Pavlícek, M Pˇechoucek
6th Workshop on Agents in Traffic and Transportation (ATT 2010), 59-66, 2010
Case studies for contract-based systems
M Jakob, M Pěchouček, J Chábera, S Miles, M Luck, N Oren, ...
Seventh International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2008
SUPERHUB: a user-centric perspective on sustainable urban mobility
I Carreras, S Gabrielli, D Miorandi, A Tamilin, F Cartolano, M Jakob, ...
Proceedings of the 6th ACM workshop on Next generation mobile computing for …, 2012
Practical multicriteria urban bicycle routing
J Hrnčíř, P Žilecký, Q Song, M Jakob
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (3), 493-504, 2016
Fully agent-based simulation model of multimodal mobility in European cities
M Čertický, J Drchal, M Cuchý, M Jakob
2015 International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent …, 2015
Agents vs. pirates: multi-agent simulation and optimization to fight maritime piracy.
M Jakob, O Vanek, O Hrstka, M Pechoucek
AAMAS, 37-44, 2012
Ridesharing on Timetabled Transport Services: A Multiagent Planning Approach (preprint)
M Hrncir, Jan and Rovatsos, Michael and Jakob
Special issue of Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology …, 2014
Generalised time-dependent graphs for fully multimodal journey planning
J Hrnčíř, M Jakob
16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2013
Agent-based simulation testbed for on-demand mobility services
M Čertický, M Jakob, R Píbil, Z Moler
Procedia Computer Science 32, 808-815, 2014
Bicycle Route Planning with Route Choice Preferences
J Hrncir, Q Song, P Zilecky, M Nemet, M Jakob
Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS), 1149-1154, 2014
Exploring pareto routes in multi-criteria urban bicycle routing
Q Song, P Zilecky, M Jakob, J Hrncir
17th international IEEE conference on intelligent transportation systems …, 2014
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Articles 1–20