Yulia V. Zavyalova
Yulia V. Zavyalova
Petrozavodsk State University
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Cited by
Architectural Approach to the Multisource Health Monitoring Application Design
A Borodin, Y Zavyalova, A Zakharov, I Yamushev
Ambient intelligence at-home laboratory for human everyday life
AY Meigal, DG Korzun, LI Gerasimova-Meigal, AV Borodin, YV Zavyalova
International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems …, 2019
Towards the development of smart spaces-based socio-cyber-medicine systems
YV Zavyalova, DG Korzun, AY Meigal, AV Borodin
Virtual and Mobile Healthcare: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 395-416, 2020
An Ontology-based Semantic Design of the Survey Questionnaires
AV Borodin, YV Zavyalova
Proc. the 19th conference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 10-15, 2016
The cross-platform application for arrhythmia detection
A Borodin, A Pogorelov, Y Zavyalova
2012 12th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 1-5, 2012
Overview of algorithms for electrocardiograms analysis
A Borodin, A Pogorelov, Y Zavyalova
2013 13th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 14-19, 2013
Designing a mobile recommender system for treatment adherence improvement among hypertensives
YV Zavyalova, TY Kuznetsova, DG Korzun, AV Borodin, AY Meigal
2018 22nd conference of open innovations association (FRUCT), 290-296, 2018
Navigation Infrastructure for People with Disabilities
KA Kulakov, YV Zavyalova, IM Shabalina
Cardiacare. mobile system for arrhythmia detection
AV Borodin, A Pogorelov, YV Zavyalova
Proc. of 13th Conf. Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 22-26, 2013
On an EAV based approach to designing of medical data model for mobile healthcare service
A Borodin, Y Zavyalova
Proceedings of the 9th Int’l Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing …, 2015
Mobile Arrhythmia Detector
A Borodin, Y Zavyalova
11th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 25-27, 2012
Towards a mobile system for hypertensive outpatients' treatment adherence improvement
AV Borodin, YV Zavyalova, AY Meigal
2017 21st Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 57-63, 2017
Ambient intelligence based vision to at-home laboratory for personalized monitoring and assessment of motion-cognitive state in elderly
A Meigal, D Korzun, L Gerasimova-Meigal, A Borodin, Y Zavyalova
2018 22nd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 159-165, 2018
Социальный навигатор: реализация программной инфраструктуры планирования маршрутов для людей с ограниченными возможностями
КА Кулаков, ЮВ Завьялова, ИМ Шабалина
Информатика и автоматизация 4 (53), 201-224, 2017
The Demo Prototype of Mobile Treatment Assistance System for Hypertensive Patients
V Fokin, K Orlov, A Platov, K Shevtsova, Y Zavyalova
Proc. of 20th Conf. Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 592-594, 2017
First Aid Assistance Service
BA Zavialova I., Lebedev N.
Proc. 18th Conf. Open Innovations Framework Program FRUCT, 638–638, 2016
An Integrated Demo of the Digital Assistance Services in Emergency Situations Based on Smart-M3 Technology
Y Zavyalova, A Vasilyev, N Lebedev, K Orlov, K Shevcova, V Fokin
Proceedings of the 2016 19th Conference of Open Innovations Association …, 2016
An experimental study of personalized mobile assistance service in healthcare emergency situations,”
AV Borodin, YV Zavyalova
UBICOMM 2016: The Tenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous …, 2016
Blood pressure calculation based on data received from cardiac monitor jointly with PPG sensor
K Orlov, K Shevtsova, Y Zavyalova
Conference of Open Innovations Association, FRUCT 22, 373-7, 2018
Social navigator: Implementation of the software infrastructure of route planning for people with disabilities
KA Kulakov, YV Zavyalova, IM Shabalina
SPIIRAS Proceedings 4 (53), 201-224, 2017
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Articles 1–20